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Comment Re:Making users happy. (Score 1) 473

I was once asked to move a checkbox from the bottom to the top of a panel so that the user wouldn't have to tab through all the other textfields and things in the panel to get focus to the checkbox. I was then asked to change the focus traversal so that tabbing through the panel skipped the checkbox (yes, really) so they wouldn't have to tab past it every time they wanted focus on the first textfield. These requests came from the same user.

Comment Re:LPMUD! (Score 1) 226

That's how I learnt. I was also lucky enough to have an admin on the mud that made sure the wizards she was in charge of understood the importance of writing good code and not just nice descriptions for players. It made me interested enough to switch major and when it was time to do the OO stuff in school I'd already groked it. Basically I have Lars Pensjà to thank for my career.

Submission + - Multi-Campus Campaign to Target Wikipedia

AlternativeIdeas writes: On the back of news that the majority of Wikipedia editors are male, website Mother Jones reports that feminist organization FemTechNet is launching a multi-campus curriculum which includes a component called "Storming Wikepedia", during which students will edit Wikipedia en masse "with the goal being to collaboratively write feminist thinking into the site" according to Alexandra Juhasz, one of the course facilitators. Is this an appropriate use of Wikipedia? Or are we edging into a future where even more articles will sport the famous padlock icon?

Comment Re:It gets worse (Score 1) 165

Doesn't "We will strive for a single experience for everything in a personâ(TM)s life that matters. One experience, one company, one set of learnings, one set of apps, and one personal library of entertainment, photos and information everywhere. One store for everything. Microsoft has the clear opportunity to offer consumers a unified experience across all aspects of their life, whether the screen is a small wearable, a phone, a tablet, an 85-inch display or other screens and devices we have not yet even imagined." basically translate to "We wish we were Apple :("?

Comment Vi yay, Emacs nay. (Score 5, Funny) 694

I'd like to see vi become the official editor of the United States of America, and at the same time I would like to see Emacs declared an illegal tool only people of an evil doer persuasion would use and banned and hunted down. Start the War on Emacs and you'll have my vote. Thank you.

Comment Re:Part of me says, "Good!" (Score 4, Insightful) 457

If you're only doing it at one place then you might be an idiot, but if as reported with this guy you're doing it at several jobs...? Suddenly you're taking home a lot more than you'd do if you were doing a real job yourself, and you're watching cat videos while doing it. If you have multiple clients who are all satisfied enough with the work your team does that they want to keep hiring you, what more do you need in a manager?

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