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Comment Re:It's time to start a trade war. (Score 2) 106

voiced by 'muricans online it is very hard to tell.

Just a quick note: insulting people with differing opinions (no matter how right you may think you are) doesn't actually help you make your case, although it may increase your innate sense of superiority. In addition, those "'muricans" who might otherwise agree with you may just write you off as another bigoted foreign asshole who lumps everyone in a given country together.

Comment Re: Sue them for all they're worth (Score 1) 495

Actually, I read that the proceedings were _ex-parte_ ... No-IP wasn't even informed that there were any proceedings. Consequently they had zero chance to defend against this forfeiture. And that's exactly how Microsoft wanted it. There's more going on here than malware. My guess is that Microsoft's big media buddies want to use Microsoft as a front for domain seizures under cover of "protecting the public", without having to get their hands dirty or take any PR hits.

Comment Re:Lather, rinse, rage (Score 1) 507

Ripples occur when there are rapid stops. A very gradual slowing down should really minimize the downstream effects, providing other drivers are paying attention and not following so closely that they have to slam on their brakes when the speed of the car in front of them decreases even the slightest.

Everyone seems to believe that, but it's not really true. Here's what some Japanese researchers found (watch the video):


Comment Re:Lather, rinse, rage (Score 1) 507

It's the idiots who accelerate to the last possible moment to close the gap with the guy slowing down in front of them who are causing the ripples.

A common misconception. Some Japanese scientists demonstrated, using several cars on a closed track, that even when people are trying their best to maintain a constant speed and distance ... they simply can't. Those "ripples" occur regardless of driver behavior when there is sufficient traffic.

Comment Conversely ... (Score 1) 1

The article also claims most exploits are being sold to agencies of the U.S. government. It does raise a concern though. What if Black Hats got more serious, and the US government would become a victim?"

Conversely, what if the cyberwarfare units of certain other countries (one in particular comes to mind) stepped up their game ... and we weren't ready?

Comment Re:Treaspassing (Score 1) 376

None of this is a problem. There is a paint available that makes it very hard to photograph your license plate and as far as I can tell, this is a great thing.

This paint is designed to overexpose photos from cameras that use a flash to illuminate the license plate (i.e. most redlight cameras). It's doubtful that these cameras are using a powerful flash to illuminate each passing car or they wouldn't be so stealthy.

There are a few of those flash types around where I live. Damned irritating, especially at night where I get my retinas blasted on the way to the grocery store.

Comment Re:Treaspassing (Score 2) 376

Your supreme court agrees you have no expectation of privacy on a public road, now shut the hell up and enjoy your "freedom".

Maybe not. But we still have to right to know where the Hell our tax dollars are going. The police may have the "right" to put up those cameras (and that is debatable) but to deny knowledge of the things, or who or what is monitoring them ... well. That simply should not be allowed. Having no expectation of privacy does _not_ mean that anyone can put up a camera on public property.

Comment Re:That seems corrupt (Score 4, Interesting) 200

I would have thought a ruling by a judge would be needed to render something banned from import. So the power to regulate allows government agencies the ability to make profound and legally binding decisions without need for court systems or due process? I was not aware the ITC were experts on IP.

They're not, and you're right ... they just ban stuff because a lawyer makes a convincing argument to a bureaucrat who hasn't the slightest idea of what the subject matter is, or how it relates to the product class in question. This will still go to court, and ultimately I suspect the ban will be lifted. The ITC is where everyone goes to get fast action without any court time.

Comment Re:Justice was fairly served (Score 0, Troll) 200

Google has a long history of trying to weasel out of agreements and payments just because they're 'Google'. In turn, Microsoft spends billions an year towards their R&D (Microsoft Research). They also work with the pioneer in the industry, Nokia, which has developed pretty much all the technology we base mobile phones today on. They deserve to be paid. Not only do I see victory for justice, but a long term crackdown on Google's illicit business practices. It is time to step up and show Google the door. If you cannot do business honestly, don't do it at all.

Troll, do you have even the slightest idea what you are talking about?


Well, okay then.

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