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Comment double encryption methods (Score 1) 560

There are ways of encrypting data so that the ciphertext contains more than one message. One password might reveal a given plaintext, while a second one produces another, entirely more innocent and unrelated.

Obviously, such a ciphertext is larger than one would expect for any resultant plain text, but you could popularize use of encryption that mandates such a larger footprint so that any given user could shrug and say (after giving the password that produces nothing but cookie recipes), "sorry it isn't what you expected, officer!"

Comment Re:Yes, but... (Score 1) 139

The Coriolis Effect story is a myth.

Short take: the Royal Navy's fire control of the era did not address Coriolis Effect in any way, shape or form (nor did the German navy treat this minor effect). Not handling this effect is a minuscule factor in accuracy in an engagement along a line of fire that changes only slowly over the course of a battle.

Comment Where were these two suspects? (Score 1) 270

What I'm confused by is the seeming absence of the two suspects in any of the photos that were pawed over by reddit users. Has anyone seen the two brothers in the photos that were so widely reviewed? It seems to me that the photos from the two men who were overlooking bomb location 1 would have had a rough time NOT seeing the older brother placing his bomb.

Not trying to imply anything untoward, but it seems to me that although the Reddit crew had a fair number of very good photos, they were seemingly not seeing a single photo by which they could have identified the right people.

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