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Comment Re:If the tractor takes jobs... (Score 1) 250

People that used to do menial manual work in past are nowadays becoming TikTok "stars". Over here it is a serious problem if you need a someone qualified to fix your plumbing, roof, floor, electric outlet, lock, heating, paint the walls, mount a kitchen unit ... On the other hand we have overflow of social workers, psychologists, political science experts, financial advisors, etc. working as cashiers or stocking the shelves. Because they can't get a job and make a living in the fields they studied.

If that is your idea, how "people will just do something else", then it isn't working.

Comment Re:It's futile (Score 4, Insightful) 46

It's not the gun that is guilty, but the guy that pulls the trigger. (Non-USA) approach to solving that (read: reduce the problem) is: a) gun control and possibly b) make the society feel safe enough that it does not feel the need for guns. And the perpetrator goes to prison.

It's not the knife that is guilty, but the guy that runs around stabbing people. And if he does, he goes to prison.

I don't see how AI can be "made safe". a) the geenie is out of the bottle. The principles are known and nobody can prevent the bad guy from developing nefarious AI of his own. This is another "declare encryption to be a weapon" story that we had with PGP and Phill Zimmerman three decades ago. b) of course politicians are trying to win points by stating the goal. But as an IT guy I cannot imagine writing an if() statement that determines whether the AI output is safe or not. So I tried to educate myself. And it seems that the only "solution" is restricting the training dataset, respectively assigning different weight to different parts of the dataset. For Christ's sake, we have trouble determining what is liberal and what is conservative. What is left wing and what is right wing in politics. What is freedom fight and what is terrorism. Even without computers involved. How can we reliably determine what should be in the training set and what weight it should have? Politicians do not care. They say "we set the rules, you implement them". Except it is not clear if the implementation is possible at all. They can as well demand FTL. So in my opinion, it is not AI that is the danger. It is those that use it and cause harm.

Comment Re:What Larry Summers thinks is usually wrong (Score 1) 126

When the pandemic hit, the government here made special exceptions for "essential workers". Interestingly one of the professions that was deemed "essential" was: cleaners. The people paid barely the minimum income mandated by law and often looked down upon.

Comment Re:I can see it (Score 1) 93

I can see the opposite. Last searches where AI got me better results then keyword search on google:

  • - Who certified Cosmo v9.2 with CombICAO v2.1 ?
  • - If a company makes use of teleconferencing software for meetings, is there anything it has to observe in relation to GDPR?
  • - Can I get information abut when was AWS instance started/stopped in last year?
  • - The SSL certificate has various fields and properties. Such as validity dates, issue, subject, used algorithm etc. What is the name of the property that defines for what purposes the certificate can be used?
  • - If a system has lower limit on password length, what percentage of users will pick a password that is has that lower limit length?

I mean, the answers were perhaps not perfect, but better then plain keyword search.

You can also start with question that sets up a context and then drill down to the detail of what you actually want. For example the SSL certificate question above was followed by "Where can I find the complete list of Key Usage Extension values?"

Comment Re:Can't blame them for trying (Score 1) 245

Not sure what you mean by "real files but they don't actually exist"?

I have no hands-on experience with this but I'm really curious: Can OneDrive folders and files be accessed using POSIX API - opendir()/readdir()/open()/read()...? Can it be accessed using traditional windows file API CreateFile()/FindFirstFile()/FindNextFile()/...? Can it be accessed using Java's File.listFiles()/FileInputStream/...? Can it be accessed using Python's os.listdir()?

Comment Re:Can't blame them for trying (Score 1) 245

The files ARE real, ...

I have no hands-on experience with this but I'm really curious: Can OneDrive folders and files be accessed using POSIX API - opendir()/readdir()/open()/read()...? Can it be accessed using traditional windows file API CreateFile()/FindFirstFile()/FindNextFile()/...? Can it be accessed using Java's File.listFiles()/FileInputStream/...? Can it be accessed using Python's os.listdir()?

Comment Re:No, change the law (Score 2) 89

Judges do not rule on what's right, judges rule on what the law says. If you think this situation is wrong, you need to change the law.

I'm not an US citizen, but as far as I know, the law says "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."

Additionally a bit of googling tells me: "Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1986 (ECPA), 18 U.S.C. ÂÂ 2510-2523" - The ECPA, as amended, protects wire, oral, and electronic communications while those communications are being made, are in transit, and when they are stored on computers. The Act applies to email, telephone conversations, and data stored electronically.

Based on that I would conclude that the SMS messages I send are none of car manufacturer's business. Unless there is a subpoena or something like that. When I type in an SMS messages into a smartphone, I do not expect anyone else to gather and analyze the messages. It is a private communication between myself and the recipient. How is sending the message using the screen of the car different? So can you explain how the judge may reach a different conclusion?

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