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Submission + - SFLC Sides with Oracle over Linux developers. Why?

SWroclawski writes: One might naturally assume that the Software Freedom Law Center would side with Linux kernel developers over Oracle. In this blog post blogger emacsen discusses the possibility that money is at the heart of the Software Freedom Law Center's decision to support Oracle rather than kernel developers in a disagreement over alleged GPL violations in regards to ZFS in Ubuntu.

Comment Re:Can't figure out their plan here (Score 1) 132

OpenStreetMap has a series of mechanisms to combat malicious editors. Mostly they get found out quickly by local mappers and problem edits are reverted. Sometimes it takes a while, but it happens. Also, with lots of editors, sometimes the problems just get fixed as data is changed.

Some power users monitor the map closely, and OSM does have a (very small) number of moderators who can block malicious users.

OSM is also working on actively improving communication about edits, so problem users can be identified more quickly and efficiently.

Source: I'm the author of that blog post, I'm also one of the aforementioned moderators, and I'm also working on the improved communication (it's OSM's GSoC project this year).

Comment Re:Not written for the Guardian (Score 1) 118

In my case, the only things I require are that the work cite me as the original author and that they are distributed under the same terms. I don't require explicit permission, nor do I ask for any money. I do also ask that the original article is linked to, and that my twitter name is mentioned. Those aren't required, but they're pretty small accomodations to make. That's just so that I can try to build an audience.

XBox (Games)

Xbox One Controller Cost Over $100 Million To Develop 206

mrspoonsi writes "The Xbox One controller went through many radical designs, including a built-in pico projector and a cartridge designed to release smell. Apparently, 'the core base didn't appreciate them,' so these wacky features were dropped in favor of a standard controller. According to VentureBeat, over $100 million worth of research went into the design they ended up using. 'Microsoft’s first tweaks for a new controller focused on the overall size and how it’d fit into hands, golden or otherwise. Using the Xbox 360 controller as a starting point, the engineers would make plastic-molded or 3D-printed prototypes that were each 1 millimeter wider or narrower than the last, testing a full range of up to plus or minus 8 millimeters. “That gave us the ability to test, with actual users including women and children, which width feels best,” said Morris. “We tested with more than 500 people throughout the course of the project. All ages, all abilities.” ... Morris and his team then looked at different thicknesses and shapes of the grips (or “lobes,” as he calls them), plus the angle of the triggers, different styles of analog sticks, and more.'"

Comment Re:Never Heard of Office 360 (Score 4, Interesting) 400

What you want, then, is a Coleco ADAM.

If you booted the ADAM up without a game cartridge, it loaded up its word processor, and you could print to the attached printer.

If you had a casette tape in the machine when it booted- it would run the casette.

And if you had a game cartridge in during boot time, you could play the game.

Comment Re:Great! Now for OpenStreetView, pleaseb (Score 3, Insightful) 53

The issue isn't equipment, it's storage and bandwith.

If you collect a small city's worth of data, you'll have quite a lot of images. Maybe only a terabyte, if you're lucky, but probably several terabytes. Now extend that to an entire state/province, or a small country. You'll quickly be racking up terabytes and pedabytes of data.

"No problem, storage is cheap." you might be thinking, but storage gets expensive as you increase the demands of the storage. All of this storage needs to be available immediately, so it can't be stored on near time storage devices, which might make it less expensive. And it must be stored in such a way that makes it redundant in case of hardware failure, so either using disk, or system level data replication.

And now that you've stored the data, you need to serve it to users. Pushing out a small amount of data to a user isn't a problem. 2 cents a gigabyte seems cheap. But if you need to serve a whole country worth of data, with tens or hundreds of thousands of users, you now hit bandwidth issues- bandwith caps, and overage costs. Getting a larger pipe to the user costs more money, and deals that seemed reasonable start to become very expensive very quickly.

You'd quickly start talking about needing to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars just to store the data, and then hundreds of thousands (or more) to serve it out.

Commercial organizations are not going to be inclined to put money towards something when they don't have to, and the burden on users would be incredibly high.

Comment Re:Changing street address (Score 2) 53

Is it still wrong?

It can take a while for the geocoder to pick up on issues.

Also, if you put a note on your area and link to it, I can take a look.

Addresses are particularly tricky for a variety of reasons that I won't bore you with, but could make your head spin.

You're right that there is a need to make addresses easier to work with, but in 99% of cases, you can just draw the building and tag it with the address and all should be good.

Comment Re:Changing street address (Score 1) 53

When you say "the result doesn't change"- can you elaborate exactly what you mean?

Addresses are quite difficult to get right (no one gets them right, not even the guys with billions of dollars to spend).

You can get a lot of help with these kinds of issues on the mailing lists,, the IRC channel, or the web forums. And depending on where you are, you may even have a local group of mappers to help you. So you have a community to help you through any editing issues you might encounter.

Submission + - OpenStreetMap Launches a new easy to use HTML5 editor

SWroclawski writes: On the heels of the news that OpenStreetMap is allowing anonymous contributions with its "note" system, the project has launched a new in-browser editor called iD, which is not only easier to use, but written completely in Javascript, using the D3 library for rendering.
With all these improvements, OpenStreetMap is gaining popularity and has started a new campaign for additional hardware to support all the new contributors.

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What is wanted is not the will to believe, but the will to find out, which is the exact opposite. -- Bertrand Russell, "Skeptical Essays", 1928
