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Comment Or... (Score 2) 121

Or, you could tell your future-self to have your new robot hack Jibo to refer to a virtual server spun up ad-hoc by the new unit instead of the long-dead remote servers. PRESTO, your new robot has 2 avitars instead of one. ( ok, one has a lot less capacity than the other. But a hack that was set up with a long-game of years is always worth doing)

Comment Re:Avoid American-made chipsets and phones (Score 0) 112

Actually, no... The whole point is that you CAN prove ( in a court of law) that the GPS data in the phone is also tied by various bio-markers to the Person who owns the phone. With gyro-metric information about the person's gate ( yes, just like the scene from a Mission Impossible movie lately... it IS real tech) , and micro-measure pressure on keystrokes providing fingerprint-like confidence in identity. That's actually the WHOLE POINT of this technology. ( but full disclosure: I didn't read the article, but I DID attend a briefing about this project less than a week ago. -- The briefing wasn't at the classified level, but there was an attendance fee, so it wasn't quite "open to the public")

Comment why I don't use the app.. (Score 1) 183

Firefox for android works fine for when I choose to brows Facebook from my phone. -- you can no longer send messages without the separate massager app (so, I don't use them). I've just told my friends not to use that method to get a hold of me and Presto! ... I know that any message showing there is from somebody who doesn't know me.

Comment Re:this is why... (Score 3, Insightful) 66

What? Why?... The only actual content from this article that I can see is that WHEN the NSA has compromised a system, they look to see if anybody else has also owned the box. ... That's not untrustworthy Government, that is sound, logical procedure. And every single White-Hat organization does this. --- Now don't get me wrong, I'm not advocating for the NSA, but I'm not going to blame them for using industry recognized Best Practices.

Comment Is that wisdom? (Score 1) 15

Sometimes, citing justification for your actions calls attention to the wisdom of your actions. - Sure. - But sometimes, it just calls attention to how foolish that you have been all along. -- quote :: "85 percent of existing standalone Mobile stores are within three miles of a Big Box store." :: - Who allowed that to happen in the First Place?

Comment I think they're on to something. (Score 3, Insightful) 120

I'm sitting here with a Galaxy S5 on my belt... It would be interesting to learn if the obvious nature of this article has reached the actual decision makers, or if it's still perking up. -- and by the way; If you're out there decision makers, the proper conclusion is that your "new features" are not compelling. Higher res screens that are thinner just don't draw customers. ( if they did, the lifecycle would still be 23 months). Nothing, but nothing, beats actually knowing what your customers what. -- Of course, who am I kidding... the obviously take away they will make is that they should make shotty products that fall apart after 23 months.

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