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Comment they've been trying to "join" for a while (Score 4, Insightful) 80

German intelligence has been interested in a closer alliance with the "Five Eyes" group of US-led intelligence agencies, which originally consisted of the main anglophone countries (US, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand). When it was expanded in 2009 to "nine eyes" with the addition of Denmark, France, Netherlands, and Norway, there was supposedly some grumbling from Germany about being left out.

Comment Re:Please, BC/AD (Score 2) 105

What I don't like about BC/AD is that one is English and one is Latin. Pick one, not some ugly mixture! The mixture also means that the placement of the abbreviation is either inconsistent (traditional usage) or grammatically incorrect (getting more common). The grammatically correct placement is to put BC after the date, but AD before the date:

330 BC vs. AD 1983

You could write "1983 AD", but then you are not even being correctly traditional, at which point you might as well just give up and use the newer English abbreviations, which always go at the end.

Comment Re:And when capped internet comes then people will (Score 3, Informative) 286

Caps are getting more common in the US. One of the biggest national ISPs, Comcast, has been rolling them out city by city. So far still not in most of the country, but they've been rolled out as a "trial" in Atlanta, Memphis, Tucson, etc., and will probably be extended nationally. Here's their FAQ about it.

Comment Re:The Little Logo That Could (Score 3, Insightful) 53

The Heartbleed logo is the first logo designed in almost 50 years that has no need for a drop shadow.

Are drop shadows really that popular in logos? The trend as I see it seems to be towards "flat" designs, both in logos and other areas like UIs (e.g. recent versions of iOS and OSX have dropped the pseudo-3d elements and specular highlights). When I think of a typical modern corporate logo I think of something like the new (2001) BP logo, which is entirely flat.

Comment Re:Constipated Justice System (Score 1) 230

Yes, recidivism is a different situation: if you've been in prison 6 months, are released, and commit the exact same crime, than you will probably get more than 6 months. But you won't get 18 years on a first trial for a crime, regardless of how many small crimes are bundled up.

One reason is that recidivism is usually prevented through other means anyway. Once you're caught, you aren't just released completely unattended; you may have restrictions on movement or things like computer usage. There are ways to monitor people short of physically confining them to a jail cell, and these ways are both cheaper and less disruptive to society.

Comment Re:Constipated Justice System (Score 0) 230

But he still didn't commit a violent crime or anything. I could see 18 years if he'd mugged 50 people and killed 3. But that doesn't seem to be what happened. It seems like you could protect society from recidivism by just putting him on supervised parole and restricting his use of a computer. The only people who really have to be locked up for 18 years to protect society, because there is no other way to do so, are really violent people who will kill or at least seriously injure people if you let them out.

Comment Re:Constipated Justice System (Score 1) 230

The maximum prison sentence in Denmark for a non-violent crime is 3 years, with very few exceptions. Only mass-murderers get on the order of 18 years. In Denmark I believe there have been fewer than 10 people in the past 50 years to serve a prison sentence that long. Locking people in cages for decades just isn't a thing that is very reasonable to do, as there are other ways to protect society from repeat offenders in all but a very small handful of extreme cases involving violent psychopaths.

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