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Comment Re:Obama's Legacy Goal (Score 1) 211

I was hoping Obama would reverse some of the big corporate control in this country compared to what the Republican party has been doing for decades, but instead we have president who talks the talk while walking the same mega-corporate bitch walk. Even "Obamacare" doesn't have a robust public option because it just keeps the same greedy big corporations in the healthcare loop, so no end to the cost spiral

Comment Re:Another disturbing theory (Score 1) 304

of course it is a food source, this is why the most dire of predictions about certain catastrophic oil spills didn't happen (yes, they were very bad anyway). there are bacteria that eat petroleum, there are bacteria that can eat petroleum products. of course, this could still be a food chain problem if larger organisms consume the bacteria and are poisoned or otherwise sickened or malnourished.

also, maybe the amount of plastic in land fills vs. ocean is underestimated.

Comment Re:wealthy funders can't be eliminated that way (Score 1) 148

nonsense, not about revoking first amendment, corporations were created by law and thus can be altered or destroyed (for example, by demoting to merely type of business) by law or amendment

money being used to corrupt government is the issue, we can take away the feeding tube for evil desire by those in government, we can attract a different kind of person to be in government

you are being a shill for corporate fascism, somehow equating a corporation with a person. they are not humans, they are not born with inalienable rights and liberties. we can keep the bill of rights, and deny it to corporations

Comment Re:wealthy funders can't be eliminated that way (Score 2) 148

who said anything about revoking the First Amendment? This is not an issue of freedom of religion, speech, assembly or petition.

We are talking of corruption, of money controlling our lawmakers and executive branch. We are talking of cutting out control by large corporations who have circumvented the democratic process.

Comment Re:Useless (Score 2) 66

reminds me of incident The Algonquin Round Table, a bunch of writers, critics, actors, comedians, etc. that met at lunch daily at Algonquin Hotel in NYC from 1919 to 1929:

(friend feeling top of playwright Marc Connelly's bald head) ""Marc, your head feels as smooth as my wife's ass."

Marc Connelly (feeling top of his own head): "why so it does, so it does"

Comment wealthy funders can't be eliminated that way (Score 1) 148

the mega-corporations (banking cartel, big oil, defense, etc.) that have our government in their pockets won't be stopped or hindered by this well-intentioned idea. something more drastic would be needed, constitutional amendment using path of national convention and ratifying states

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