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Comment Re:It's Man's Fault (Score 5, Informative) 695

I know it's not fashionable to RTFA but the IPCC report does propose actual solutions and costs those solutions (which will have negligible net cost)... they are the well-know solutions of more renewables, nuclear power and carbon sequestration along with a carbon tax.
The problem is that the corporations which have become rich on the current high CO2 emission path control the world's economies and governments so I can safely predict that nothing meaningful will be done and that we are all literally toast.

For more information (and interesting read), Naomi Klein's "This Changes Everything"

Comment Re:Obviously. (Score 4, Interesting) 695

About 50% of China's pollution is caused by exports.... so all that cheap crap you buy that's made in China counts towards China's pollution. The corporations have not only outsourced all the jobs to China, but the pollution too.
The pollution from shipping the junk from China (boats and planes) isn't tallied in any accounts so total pollution is more.
So, the pollution drifting over San Francisco is just the pollution catching up with the stuff shipped over and sitting on WalMart shelves.

Comment Re:West Virginia too (Score 1) 468

On my ballot in California, you can leave any section blank. (It uses fill in the circles on paper which is then scanned to read). I just voted (absentee ballot) and did leave several sections blank (local elections where I had no clue about any of the candidates).
In Nevada, it's even better. They have a "None of the above" selection.

Comment Re:Redistribution (Score 1) 739

Yes, of course it redistributed income from higher income people to lower income people (as one of it's side effects).
This is actually a good thing since most of the rest of the US economy is set up to redistribute income from the poor and middle class to the 1%.
ACA is a small step in the right direction.

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