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Comment What's so special about Google? (Score 4, Interesting) 334

The EU seems to have a chip on their shoulders about Google. I get it, they're huge and they need to be kept on a leash. But when are we going to see them go after other huge companies abusing their market share? We have Amazon regularly putting full-page ads for their latest electronics right on their front page.

Comment Re:I wish I'd thought of that (Score 2) 221

The implication of this is that it's possible to clone a key based only on the signal it gives off. The implication of that is that they're sending out a static password.

Not only is it possible, but it's in common practice. Aftermarket remote starters need to clone your keys. You can get a remote starter for basically any car. It's not like you need a dealer for it either, because car electronics places that install these things will be the ones cloning the keys.

Comment Re:Linked? (Score 1) 338

It's quite possible that he means they have artificially slowed down the graphics rendering to provide more cycles to the AI.

This is how I read it as well. Though, pure rendering and lerping should not eat up much CPU especially on consoles. Unless they've got a really inefficient rendering pipeline. I'm curious exactly how much extra AI this would allow them to run.

Comment Re:Plot line (Score 1) 238

Your logic doesn't track. People enjoy a good murder mystery, yet murders are actually uncommon.

Stories are all about exploring the unknown without actually having to experience it. I'd even say violence is a common thread in stories for a similar reason as evil science/tech -- people are certainly hostile toward it.

Comment Re:Plot line (Score 2) 238

I disagree.

So many movies and TV shows have inept, complacent, or downright evil scientists creating technologies that either lose control or are specifically for enacting violence. Or they mishandle something and a plague starts. Or a technology-driven society encroaching on one who's in touch with nature or a hundred years in the past.

And it's usually either a dumb "everyman" who stumbles into the situation and rises to the occasion -- maybe a military guy with a heart of gold -- and saves the day without much science or wit. Heck, look at Bruce Banner -- a brilliant scientist who needs to turn into a dumb tank to fight evil.

The scientists who do good in these stories are rarely portrayed as healthy people. They may be brilliant, but they're also asocial goofballs and usually side characters.

I think he's right on the money. People are hostile to technology and science. A fear of the unknown, a fear of someone being smarter than them, a fear of something clashing with their beliefs, or telling them they need to change their ways.

This trend in media, entertainment, and politics is obvious. There are plenty of counter-examples but on a whole, I think it's very easy to see if you're looking. It must reflect society to a not-insignificant degree, or people wouldn't latch on to it.

Comment Re:Is it time for C++? (Score 1) 365

Sorry, but C++ literally cannot offer any feature which is impossible in C

Apology accepted.

So when I mentioned zero-cost error handling, I was referring to an exception handling model that keeps all exception handling code -- your entire catch block -- entirely out of your hot path. It can be put in entirely separate cache lines. Basically ensuring that your non-exceptional code is all as close together and fast as possible.

You can't do this in C. Please prove me wrong! I enjoy learning.

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