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Comment My list ... (Score 2) 456

Visual augmentation to include color range, gamma spectrum and infrared. Light enhancement like night vision devices would work also, as infrared will not spare you from that hole in the snow, at night.

Wider hearing range, would be great to hear all the things some animals can and would allow for farther vocal communications. Ability to tune out unwanted ranges (dog whistles)

Olfaltory sense that would allow for the early warning of a poisonous atmosphere. CO2, other gasses.

Not a sense really but the ability for the brain to process more information yet treat it like a true storage device where data can never be forgotten without sending you to the ER with an aneurism.


Submission + - Kids more capable of understanding science than given credit for ( 1 writes: "Physics and chemistry are the bane of many a high school student, but what if we're pitching the ideas to them too late? Can eight-year-olds absorb atomic theory? A former high-school physics teacher has asked that question in a bold experiment at a Brisbane primary school. And he says it shows young minds are much more advanced than we think."

Submission + - Teaching robots to lie - what could possible go wrong... ( 2

another random user writes: Disappointed that your Roomba can't clean your house while also telling you that you that shirt your girlfriend hates looks great on you? Researchers at Georgia Tech are working hard to solve that problem by teaching robots to lie, and they’re taking lessons in lying from some of nature’s most deceptive animals — squirrels. Because hey, what could possibly go wrong with that plan?

Deception is not something that comes very naturally to today’s artificial intelligence programs. For most robots, it's hard enough to navigate the world the way it is without introducing fantasies about the way it's not into the equation. So to help robots get the hang of misleading others, the team has turned to the squirrel, or "forest liar", to give robots the tools they need to learn the subtle arts of deception.

Comment Re:Dawkins generally (Score 1) 862

But it seems to me that humans in general are capable of ample brutality with or without the pastiche excuse of religious doctrine, so I'm hard put to BLAME such conduct on Faith.

I tend to agree with most of your post. On the quoted statement though, yeah, plenty of batshit crazy people out there without an imaginary being telling them to go batshit crazy, but religion does have a way to make that number of people a tad larger than the other group out of an implied divine justification for their actions.

Comment Re:that sounds familiar (Score 1) 209

Eerily familiar actually, when I became a civilian in Germany after my US Army stint there, while asking for my German version of the social security card, I was innocently asked for my religion. Naively I said Catholic (have become a fundamentalist Atheist since) l didn't think much of it until I received my first paycheck.
Bam! Church Tax.
Getting that removed, to my dismay, required me to sign a fairly Papal-looking document stating I was never to ask for the church to marry me, bury me, baptize my children and/or receive any and all services from the church.
I did, and have not burned in a shower of fire and brimstone yet.

Comment Last transmission from Commander Pavok ... (Score 1) 210

... to Vulcan High Command: Do not send any further scout crafts to this location. Our attempt to setup a surveillance station has been foiled by an unexpected, yet primitive, weapon system. Cannot ascertain whether the weapon is of Earth origin as the markings on it are not in the expected Earth-based language. We have seen the markings on archival footage belonging to the alien race responsible for the enormous reptilian-like monster sent to destroy Earth cities. Live long and prosper. *End of transmission*

Comment Re:What sorts of jobs were these? (Score 1) 164

I do agree that in the "real world" we absolutely need good PM's and good BA's, especially when you have to deal with larger scales, industrial or financial amongst others. Where I work I happen to manage (yes, I am one of those in "management") both PM's and BA's, and also manage a good chunk of developers, dba's, network folks, systems management and other tech-folk. My PM's and BA's are handpicked for their effectiveness and their ability to "get it" and translate the tech-speak to business-speak and vice versa, and not get railroaded by the business side wanting my techs to "do it quicker and cheaper at all costs" or my techs wanting to pull wool over the business side eyes; I view them as my cops yet they have the respect of both sides.

The issue becomes when you as a company start feeling that in order to be more competitive, you can solve the issue just by increasing the number of PM's and BA's which in turn will invariably generate more work, yet your tech base is left either with the same numbers or is reduced to make room for those new inbound PM's and BA's.

That’s where comments like our esteemed colleague “kiwimate” come from IMO, and while I don’t condone the arrogance in that statement, I do understand how frustrating it is to see these “ill-defined” positions overwhelm the rest.

If you manage these positions actively and effectively, you CAN live in harmony. When you get complacent and start thinking that power points and spreadsheets alone will solve your problems, then you’ll have a room full of “kiwimates” holding pitch forks and torches and your ability to be an effective manager is toast. My $.02

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