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Comment Re:Is it more difficult? (Score 1) 241

It is mind boggling to me that everyone seems to have gotten hoodwinked into thinking a "Like" button provides more benefit to the company than the things which keep corporate data intact.

Maybe I'm lucky but I've only seen that where I work after all the basics are taken care of. With all of the tools and services available these days, I'd assume that the basics like data integrity, telephones are *locked down*. If your basics are causing trouble, you are definitely doing it wrong.

I think more and more IT is becoming a manager of services, instead of a manager of servers. When there are companies out there making the basics easy to manage, then you can afford the time to get the Like buttons running.

Comment Other 'M' companies (Score 4, Insightful) 57

McDonalds' was in China in the 90's. There are dozens of other M companies in the Fortune 500. I'm surprised only one fits the profile. Merck, MorganStanley, McKesson, Monsanto, Marriott, Manpower, MGM Resorts, Micron, etc. That was the time to setup in China, I wouldn't be surprised if it was something like MRC Global, Inc and the MS hint was dropped just for headlines.

Comment Re:Journalists are fair game (Score 1) 197

When a journalist writes a bulls--t story about you ought to know whos paying their bills and who their friends are.

What I want to know is when did anyone with a blog/website suddenly become "a journalist"? Is the bar really that low?

I can setup a domain and pound out some page-view inducing BS; am I a journalist then?

Submission + - Amazon Goes to War Against Oracle (gigaom.com)

Sez Zero writes: Amazon Aurora is a MySQL-compatible, relational database engine that combines the speed and availability of high-end commercial databases with the simplicity and cost-effectiveness of open source databases. AWS page

Once again Amazon Web Services is taking on Oracle, the kingpin of relational databases, with Aurora, a relational database it said is as capable as “proprietary database engines at 1/10 the cost,” according to AWS SVP Andy Jassy.

Submission + - Perl 6 Ready for Production in 2015 (fosdem.org)

Sez Zero writes: The last pieces are finally falling into place. After years of design and implementation, 2015 will be the year that Perl 6 officially launches for production use.

In this talk at FOSDEM 2015, Larry Wall reflects on the history of the effort, how the team got some things right, and how it learned from its mistakes when it got them wrong. But mostly how a bunch of stubbornly fun-loving people outlasted the naysayers to accomplish the extraordinary task of implementing a language that was so ambitious, even its designers said it was impossible. Prepare to be delightfully surprised.

Comment Re:WTF? (Score 3, Insightful) 265

It hasn't been breached... they just got a hold of their email mailing list! This is the crappiest bad summary of all crappy bad summaries.

Yes, and their ability to manage a mailing list is in no way related to their ability to manage more sensitive information, in their system that isn't even live yet.

Comment Re:Of course! (Score 1) 571

What the article fails to mention is that the new reactor has to be 800 feet tall or buried 400 feet in the ground. Or 400 feet tall and 200 feet buried. It's pretty complicated figuring out the math here.

A related article from the comments below says that the final size will be small enough to fit on the back of a truck (roughly cargo container sized), or 10 times smaller than ITER being built in France.

I found it interesting that 55 pounds of deuterium is needed as fuel, but only a few grams of tritium ('bred' from lithium) is needed, since part of the nuclear reaction makes tritium to feed back into the reaction.

I was then reminded of many Star Trek episodes where power couldn't be generated because of damage to the "dilithium crystals". Maybe those should have been called "trilithium crystals" instead?

Other article, cited below

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