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Comment Re:So for example... (Score 1) 90

Sure, if you buy into everything you watch and read. While Trump has admitted to groping women and spying on under aged girls undressing for modelling, Biden has been sudden accused of things he did at places he was never at, on dates that he was verified as somewhere else.

So you can take your stupid "both sides" offhand comment and shove it.

We have one reasonable person running for President, and one completely insane sociopath. If you don't want to be a lib, that's fine, you still have a reasonable person running and still have an insane sociopath.

Comment The sales models have changed. Also BR is required (Score 1) 715

Launching without a BR mode for a multiplayer based game today is suicide. It's currently the mode most gamers are craving today if Fortnite / PUBG / CoD is any indication. Team DM is still fun, but it's BR that is the "hot new thing". Also, we are seeing that releasing BR games for pay just don't have thriving player bases. The idea that players should drop $60 for the game, then subscribe to season passes is so early 2000s. That era has come to an end. Players demand the games to be free, all the maps to be free, but charge for in-game items like hats, clothes, gun skins, etc. Everyone saw this coming with Team Fortress YEARS ago, and now it's here.

What can they do to fix this? Made BF5 free to play. Add in purchasable skins. Not maps, or guns. Just skins. Emotes. Then get the BR mode out ASAP. Single, Squad, Team modes. 1/4/50 player teams in this mode.

I'll gladly download it and buy a pile of skins. I have for Fortnite, PubG, and CoD. But I refuse to buy any map packs or any other content that isn't free going forward.

Comment I saw the clouds pause. (Score 1) 1042

Went to Zion National Park with a few friends around 2008. Sat at a table to eat some sandwiches we had bought before going hiking. I had my sunglasses on, my friends were all talking, and I was half listening while staring at the clouds. They were moving across the sky and then just stopped. Paused. I took my sunglasses off, and they were back to moving again. My friends talking didn't pause, they were still talking the entire time. No idea what that was, but all I could think of is a glitch in the system.

Comment Re:So long, Netflix, it was good while it lasted (Score 2) 187

I've only been subscribing to Netflix for their original content. I can get most of the unoriginal stuff on my Prime account already.

Many of their shows have been absolutely amazing. Game of Thrones level of awesome, in my humble opinion.

Stranger Things (1 season)
Daredevil (2 seasons)
Jessica Jones (1 season)
Narcos (2 seasons)

I've binged all of these shows because they were that good. The only other show I've ever binged before this was The Wire. That says, to me, they have something special going on. If they can keep the good content coming at a decent pace, I have no problem with them dumping the same stuff I can get anywhere else.

Comment Re:backing Hillary? (Score 1) 459

Not only did they show she did nothing illegal in their eyes, they one upped them by saying that even if one of their own did the same thing, they would not be prosecuted either. Reprimanded? Yes. Illegal? No.

I honestly can't believe we're even still talking about this. The only thing we got out of this is emails showing everyone thinks Boehner is an alcoholic.

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The rule on staying alive as a forecaster is to give 'em a number or give 'em a date, but never give 'em both at once. -- Jane Bryant Quinn
