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Comment Re:And then Google says... (Score 1) 1416

California is an "at will" employment state.

I was thinking the same thing even though California does have protection laws in place to prevent employers from taking action against employees over "political affiliations" until I saw the quote from his interview with the New York Times:

Before being fired, Mr. Damore said, he had submitted a complaint to the National Labor Relations Board claiming that Google’s upper management was “misrepresenting and shaming me in order to silence my complaints.”

(src: )

Short of discrimination against a protected class, you can be fired for anything or nothing at all. Anti-feminists are not a protected class.

And that's the caveat, by filing that complaint, he became a protected class. Kinda like the FBI in Die Hard, "helping" Hans with the electromagnetic lock on the safe.

You ask for miracles, Theo, I give you the F.B.I.

Comment not quite (Score 1) 124

not quite the same. sure, slashdot has community moderation but of the comments. posting of stories are controlled slashdot staff. also, demographics are different. plus w/ false-flagging, mass flagging, and other abuse issues that exists even now (before "YouTube Heroes"), there's more problems that it can create than solve. shoot, this has the potential to empower the trolls let alone feed them.

Comment Re:Can you say privacy shield? (Score 1) 126

Of course, seafile guys will need $ to litigate (unless they can get a state sponsor) If only they would diversify their payment options. bitcoin, their own via stripe/square, google wallet, etc. shoot, square even has their money sending service: cash(dot)me Or perhaps Swedish Klarna which appears to also service Germany.

Comment or the original source (Score 2) 16

or the original source:

1027 1749

"Obiturary: World-famous illustrator and Miyazaki City resident, Noriyoshi Ohrai passed away due to pneumonia on the 27th at a hospital in Kunitomi (town). He was 79 years old. Working out of Miyazaki City, Mr. Ohrai was a world-famous illustrator having created posters for "Star Wars" and "Godzilla" series and had won a prefectural culture award a year before last. Wake will be held on the 28th from 7PM and funeral services will be on the 29th from 12:10PM, both at the Priere-Group Hall in Miyazaki City." note, wiki seems to reference anyways. also, /. seems to not support Japanese input that well.


Yelp For People To Launch In November 447 writes: Caitlin Dewey reports in the Washington Post that 'Peeple' — basically Yelp, but for humans will launch in November. Subtitled "character is destiny," Peeple is an upcoming app that promises to "revolutionize the way we're seen in the world through our relationships" by allowing you to assign reviews of one to five stars to everyone you know: your exes, your co-workers, the old guy who lives next door. You can't opt out — once someone puts your name in the Peeple system, it's there unless you violate the site's terms of service. And you can't delete bad or biased reviews — that would defeat the whole purpose. "People do so much research when they buy a car or make those kinds of decisions," says co-founder Julia Cordray. "Why not do the same kind of research on other aspects of your life?"

According to Caitlin, one does not have to stretch far to imagine the distress and anxiety that such a system will cause even a slightly self-conscious person; it's not merely the anxiety of being harassed or maligned on the platform — but of being watched and judged, at all times, by an objectifying gaze to which you did not consent. "If you're one of the people who miss bullying kids in high school, then Peeple is definitely going to be the app for you!," says Mike Morrison. "I'm really looking forward to being able to air all of my personal grievances, all from the safety of my phone. Thanks to the app, I'll be able to potentially ruin someone's life, without all the emotional stress that would occur if I actually try to fix the problem face-to-face."

Comment ToS violation? (Score 3, Insightful) 182

As much as I hate to see it used, a Terms of Service (ToS) violation and the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) may still apply especially since they are using tactics to avoid detection (aka use of "burner phones" and credit card numbers)

It may also be a violation of the various credit card companies' ToS as well.

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