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Comment This app is incompatible with all of your devices (Score 2) 82

Well, it is still considered Beta, but it has a big failure. I get the message "X This app is incompatible with all of your devices" when i go to download it, even though I have several Android devices it should be compatible with. I expect this is the same problem as I have seen with a few other apps, they are using a specific list of compatible devices and my Lenvo tablet just isn't in there. When are developers going to learn to be more inclusive in their supported devices, or at least let users download the apk file and trying installing it at their own risk?

Comment This prize could financially ruin you (Score 2) 34

Generally, Birthday gifts are not taxable. But winning this "prize" could financially ruin you, at least if you live in the U.S.A., since you would have to pay taxes on it. Federal tax and, in most states, state and maybe even a local tax. We have already had someone who "won" a trip to space who had to decline it since there was no way that he could afford the taxes on it's supposed value. Even the cost of a sub-orbital trip is a lot more than I could afford to pay the taxes on, and I expect that many others feel the same way. So if you are going to offer a prize like this then you should either offer a cash equivalent (which you can pretty much expect most people would choose out of necessity, even though they might only get to keep about half of it) or sweeten it with the trip plus enough cash to cover all taxes (including the taxes on the extra cash).

Comment Re:Great! (Score 1) 59

Nothing like spending well over a hundred bucks for something that can be done with a free app on my existing Android device (that I paid a lot less for). Pick up a cheap pre-paid Android cell phone, and don't buy the optional air-time card. Load a free app (by wifi). If you can resist the urge to do anything else with your Android device then you'll have about the same thing, except that it will have a better color display that can even show the ISS path in the sky and will cost less.

Comment judge a person based on what they did (Score 1) 224

Are you for real? I have to make judgements about people all of the time, pretty much everyone not living as a hermit does. I don't have the luxury of dragging them to a courthouse and putting them in front of a jury when I need to make those judgements. If we can't base those judgements by what kind of a person have they been, what do you suggest? Perhaps some of the old fallbacks, like the color of their skin or how much they profess to love god?

Comment white males should (Score 4, Insightful) 593

When Google says "Not Where We Want to Be" , what they are saying is that it is time to start discriminating against white males and hire other less qualified candidates because some groups are getting uppidy. We never hear similar claims of needing "more diversity" from the NBA or the National Felons League, but when we find an area where white males excel by working hard, it is time to put a stop to it.

Comment BS meter pegged (Score 5, Insightful) 339

Looks like some special interests are trying to strike another blow against people actually owning the movies that they buy. Lets list some other benefits: You don't get to watch the disc again, or lend it to a friend. And if you do watch it again on-line, you can completely ignore any costs involved (because that's what the research did). You're not distracted by the extra content included on DVDs. The lower quality streaming video is perfectly fine for you. You're completely freed from the "right of first sale' and will never have to concern yourself with selling or trading old DVDs that you have. And those nice people at your ISP who have started capping your service and who will charge outrageous overages if you happen to exceed your monthly quota will gladly forgive your overage if you explain how you were downloading or streaming for the sake of the planet (wouldn't you, AT&T?)

Comment Hisense Sero 7 Pro 7" Tablet (Score 2) 321

I agree, the Kindle fire is an artificially crippled Android tablet anyway, so why not go with a better tablet? If you want just an e-ink based reader to do nothing else but read then some of the old Kindles might be OK. But if your looking for a Kindle Fire replacement then you don't have to look far to find better. I might have suggested the Nexus, but the customer unfriendly lack of a 5 cent memory card slot was a deal breaker for me. I would currently suggest the Hisense Sero 7 Pro 7" Tablet, available currently from Wak-Mart for $115. It has the resolution to be a great reader, a long life battery, And many tablet features that the Amazon offering lacks, including GPS, camera, NFC, and microphone. The only downside that I see is that it is only on Android 2.4, not the latest and greatest. But I think that still beats the Kindle.

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