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Comment Re: c'mon (Score 1) 306

You miss the point. So you're saying that you would happily give up your white-malesness, if you still get to keep all the money? You don't realize how whiny this sounds? You have more money and power than anyone else in the world, on average, and you're complaining about how much you "don't matter". This is crazy.

Comment Re:c'mon (Score 1) 306

Hmmm... The average income of a white man (US) is around 35% more than the average income of a black man. I'm black, and I'm sure we all would gladly take the 35% raise for the privelege of "not mattering". Indeed, the racial profiling we get makes us matter so much more than you guys! Enjoy!

Comment I hate this word, coding (Score 4, Insightful) 211

Saying "coding" instead of "programming" is like saying "ciphering" instead of "mathematics". Please stop. Imaging the headline, "Arkansas is now the first state to require that high schools teach ciphering". I'm not a computer programmer, but I think you guys are disrespecting your discipline by encouraging the word "coding".

Comment Re:Rock and Roll wouldn't EXIST without "stealing" (Score 1) 386

If most music sounds dull to you, then you better move beyond Western music. Listen to music which is not based on the diatonic scale. Example: Bulgarian state female choir. The dissonant chords will wake up your senses, and make you feel things you don't normally feel when listening to Western music. Even if you don't like it, I think it will help you understand what's missing from your musical palate, and lead you to discover something else interesting. Also, try to find not-too-Western-inspired African music. The chords sung by people from different cultures will push senses you never thought you had. Forreal.

You can't stop listening to music. Depression will slowly creep up on you, before you realize it.

Comment Re:Bloatware?! (Score 1) 210

Lenovo shipped 16 million PCs last quarter. If it received $500/PC for "boatware" for half of these, the revenue would be 4 billion dollars, which obviously didn't happen. If it reveived a more likely $5/PC, the revenue would be 40 million dollars, which is probably more than enough to support their tech support department.

Comment Re:Lenovo (Score 1) 134

Why not try to rehabilitate them? The Free Software Foundation agrees with your statement "we need computer hardware that is free and open all the way down to the hardware", but instead of sacking them they suggest telling them to "respect user freedom" etc. When I read the changelog from official Thinkpad BIOS updates which include the word "Linux", I'm more encouraged than discouraged about the company.

Comment Re:We need to teach people to think, and to use to (Score 1) 291

I think learning to write computer programs helps develop logical reasoning skills. Why? Because it helped my logical reasoning skills, and I like to generalize my own experience to the whole world :) Now, I don't think teaching "coding" to totally uninterested kids helps develop their skills, but exposing everyone to "coding" will get interested kids started as early as possible, which I think is good.

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