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Comment Re: Dupe (Score 1) 840

I *used* to think car lights were easy to replace, since my first cars were early 1990s Saturns where you only needed to unscrew the cover and replace the headlight bulbs. It was almost as easy as changing a lightbulb in your house. And then I tried the same on my wife's Honda Civic, which was, well, not as trivial, and obviously by design.

Comment Re:Keep the kids longer and don't send homework (Score 1) 161

No, he/she IS on the spot. Remember, the slide rule was mainly a source of inspiration, which help the GP understand relationships between numbers and motivated GP to learn more. Choice quote:

I did a 180 on math subjects - even without using the slide rule.

It is not a "learning styles" issue. Learning styles is a fiction.

Comment Re:The Obfuscation of Easy Computer Science (Score 1) 149

I think Knuth's "made-up" assembly code looks generic to anyone who knows any assembler at all. I first saw assembly language in a Commodore 128 book decade ago, and reading the first few pages allowed me the grasp the big picture for Knuth's MIX language.

And I think you're incorrect about TeX vs LaTeX. Try to write your resume in LaTeX. TeX takes the pain out of LaTeX when you want to exercise good taste.

Comment Re:A Brand New World In Which Men Ruled (Score 1) 224

It was the class of 1994, which entered college in 1990. So the article is correct. I was in the class of 1994 at a different college, and saw my first web browser in early 1994. Before that I used Wais and Gopher. Most of my classmates learned about IRC sometime in 1991-1992, not before. AOL was not a household name before 1990.

Comment Re:C# (Score 1) 641

Here's one of countless reasons why you should learn C++.
std::thread([&](){ do_something(local_arg1, local_arg2); }).detach();
Write me the equivalent in C.

Wow! You should mention this on the Linux Kernel Mailing List. The Linux kernel is LOADED with threads, all written in C. You will certainly save the kernel developers lots of time when they switch. Please write back and tell me how it goes.

Comment Re:C had no real successor (Score 1) 641

C'mon, now. C++ needed the relatively recent "move constructor" to solve a serious inefficiency when doing, say for example, complicated matrix arithmetic using classes (created in the most obvious way). Before this, there were hacks, like template metaprogramming. The reputation of C++ is well-deserved, even if all of that stuff is fixed now.

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The question of whether computers can think is just like the question of whether submarines can swim. -- Edsger W. Dijkstra
