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Comment Re:Yeesh (Score -1, Flamebait) 584

You are a sexist troll. The fact that you got a +5 insightful on this post is disgusting.

The truth of the matter is that there is no significant difference, physiologically, between men and women, as far as the brain is concerned; and thus no difference psychologically. Almost every so-called "male" or "female" feature is a result of brain plasticity and is imparted culturally.

The way to get a girl interested in science is exactly the same way to get boys interested in science. Do not treat a woman differently from a man and you will get the same results.

Comment Seriously? (Score 0, Offtopic) 76

No one with red blood in their veins buys a sports car and hands the keys to a chauffeur

This is such a ridiculous sentence, I couldn't get past it to read the rest. First of all, veinal blood is really dark, not red. But most telling is that the writer assumes people like cars, want to drive cars, and can drive cars. I don't like them, I don't drive, and I don't own one. If I was to ever buy one, I would have someone else drive me. So according to this un-enlightened individual, I don't exist.

Comment The lottery winner problem (Score 2) 245

Planning for such an event is like planning for winning the lottery: it is almost certain will win the lottery, and it's almost certain it won't be you.

Likewise, such catastrophic events happen to someone sometimes, but you don't have to worry about it happening to you. Really. Stop worrying so much.

If you live in a tornado-targeted area, you should prepare for a tornado to hit your house.

If you live in a flood area, prepare for a flood.

It's all about statistics and the Bernoulli equation: examine the chance of something happening and the effect it could have on your life, and prepare for the events that pose a significant danger.

Comment Worst: when they use magic (Score 1) 512

I rewatched the whole series last year, and I got really annoyed at the episodes where magic is featured. There are quite a few, considering it's supposed to be a science-fiction show.

That's about every episode where Troi uses her magic powers, incidentally. I especially hate when she can sense an alien being's emotions at a distance of A FEW LIGHT-YEARS.

Comment Reliability? (Score 1) 133

What is likely to be the accuracy of this system? Even a 99% accurate system would be fairly useless. Say you get 1 rager per day out of 100 000 drivers. Over 100 days (about 3 months), it will properly flag 99 people and miss one. But during the same period would flag 1000 people per day who aren't raging or dangerous.

It's the same every time someone says they can "detect" a rare event out of a completely random sample, whether it is mass screening for rare diseases or conditions, terrorists or road rage. Unless your screening method is extraordinarily accurate, the sheer number of individuals examined by the system will cause a significant number of false positives.

Comment Re:Ohhhh boy, it's gonna be Death Knights all over (Score 1) 253

Well, remember that max level will soon be 100, so those people will still need to play some 10 levels. And they've announced that before queuing for heroic dungeons or LFR, you will have to earn a silver medal in the training grounds to demonstrate that you can actually do the job you are intending to fulfill.

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