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Comment Re:er... (Score 1) 177

Also The Foundry's Katana (new awesome product). Qt, specifically PyQt/PySide are huge in VFX industry. I don't know of a large VFX house that is not using PyQt at all levels of the pipeline.

Comment Re:It mostly sucks (Score 1) 394

Are you talking about RealD? What is Real3D? RealD is not taking an image and shifting it. All RealD does is take the right eye/left eye and converts it to a format that works better in movie theaters, especially in the front row. They are not into stereo conversion. The don't touch the convergence. "Disney Digital 3D" is just a marketing term, Disney itself doesn't really have a stereo conversion process They pay other people to do it. Every VFX house does 3D differently, and most Disney movies have at least 2 different houses working on 3D conversion. I've worked on many Disney films, including Alice in Wonderland and GeForce.
Linux Business

Is LGP Going the Way of Loki Software? 124

An anonymous reader writes "After the demise of Loki Software, Linux Game Publishing sprouted up in its place, and for the past nine years has ported a number of games to Linux. But LGP may now be sharing the same fate as Loki. Linux Game Publishing hasn't updated its blog or news pages in months, has stopped responding to e-mails, and its only active ports are games they began work on in 2002/2003."

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