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Comment There's a lot to be said about... (Score 1) 112

.. non-hypothesis-based data analysis. Take, for instance, some health data that was overlaid with GIS data at a health authority I worked at a few years back. One of the more curious combinations that popped up was the fact that there were a higher number of Leukemia cases in households that lived under high power electricity lines. We were all about to unanimously blame the cancer on the long-period-exposure to EMF, when someone who lived in the area brought up a good point... properties under the lines were less expensive that those properties away from the lines, and therefore more attractive to lower-income families - the very same lower income families whose eating habits are generally lower on the nutrition scale. ie: higher carbs & fats, with less roughage, antioxidants, etc, which all helps to contribute to poorer health.

Comment I like... (Score 1) 249

..the idea of the free software arena to free up my privacy; What I don't get is the reliance on a specific piece of hardware connected to the internet to do it. All I can see from this is history repeating itself. Remember the Gateway Connected Touch Pad, the ePods, the Websurfer Pro, et al... these were all dedicated internet appliances. The business plans all failed miserably; however, they all made nice, cheap (and in some cases, free) pieces of hackable cumputing hardware.. I should Know... I own all of the above, and more :)

Hrmmm, on second thought, bring on that wall-wart thingy.... maybe I can turn it into a nice little tftp server :)

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