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Comment Re:How about basic security? (Score 1) 390

Good points. I'd been under the impression that link local addresses were the only ones based on MAC address, but a little investigation shows me that there are schemes that also use the MAC address for public addresses.

And you're also right that admins are likely to choose addresses that are simpler for them if they assign them manually.

But all this is moot if a working firewall is in place. And that's really no different than the IPV4 situation.

Comment Re:RTFA (Score 1) 187

I live next door to a Costco. If I'm running low, I can run next door.

If I had one of these buttons, its battery would be dead by the time I need to order again. My Costco package of TP or paper towels usually lasts me about three years. Laundry detergent maybe a year or so. My 4-pack of giant toothpaste tubes is a couple of years worth.

It's not so much that I'm organized, but I usually become aware that I'm low on those things a month or two in advance, when the gaping hole in the closet where I keep that stuff jumps out at me.

Comment Re:Sounds familiar (Score 1) 145

I don't have any experience with MOOCs, but I can tell you that (in general) if I get an older student (30+) in my class, he or she is very likely to be near the top of the class.

The older students generally know why they're there. They have motivation.

I'd imagine the same thing holds true with MOOCs.

Comment Re:Passwords must not contain spaces, too (Score 1) 349

I'm not exactly sure what the rules are. My initial attempts at a password contained "^" -- I figured it was safe, because it was in the list they suggested. I kept simplifying the password and it kept rejecting me. Each time I had to re-enter half the security choices -- it kept my answers, but not the questions.

I finally gave up and chose a completely new password, and this one didn't include "^". Took it the first time.

Comment Re:The Problem with Robots (Score 2) 101

The most menial.

That turns out not really to be the case. If you had said the most repetitive jobs, I'd be more likely to buy it.

A housekeeper or a janitor is a fairly menial job, but it is a very difficult one to automate. It involves recognising randomly present items (clutter) and dealing with them (putting them away, straightening them or whatever.)

Assembly lines are different -- those are very repetitive. It's not nearly so hard to automate, since the variety of actions and the judgment of when and how they should be carried out doesn't change much.

Comment Re:Notifications in calendar (Score 1) 196

Does that mean you no longer get a pop-up?

Because if that's the case, putting it in the calendar might be better. Not good, but better than a pop-up. What I'd really like to do is disable notifications entirely, or at least selectively be able to disable various functions' abilities to display notifications. Like printing.

You run a script to print out a hundred or so separate files and the side of your desktop fills up with announcements of files that have been printed. Why?

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