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Comment Thanks goodness the U.S. is established on .... (Score 1) 900

The problem with your dialogue is the underlying premise is wrong. There is nothing in Christianity that forbids or blocks science. Quite to the contrary, as good Stewards, Christians are called to reach out and forward. (And have, we just don't go around shouting “Eureka I have found it, and by the way I am a Christian”)

You can point out the ‘Dark ages’ of the faith, but my pointing out the ‘Dark ages’ of other systems would be akin to shooting fish in a barrel.

Sorry you are so disgruntled about something faith based, but try to stay logical.

Perhaps you are referring to other Countries in the world where their faith has them stoning, maiming and removing peoples heads.

To be human is to be weak and flawed. Christians are called to acknowledge this and strive to become better than this. It would seem others simple acknowledge and make excuses for the condition.

Comment WOW... (Score 1) 153

I have not seen footage like this since the Reaction Research Shot! Love the mechanical "noise" in the absence of air. With Frank Kosden gone, I have to wonder, who built the motor for you?

Again Excellent!

Comment Right back at you.... (Score 1) 804

With all due respect, it is this attitude that supports the use of nuclear arms.

The United States Armed Forces systems bends over backwards to mitigate collateral damage; Despite this goal, the feed back is consistently one where collateral damage reported as a travesty. This makes the goal, one seemly shared by the US alone, as a waste of time and LARGE sums of money.

War is ugly, uglier than anyone wants to admit. Just witness the Taliban, Vietcong, Khmer Rouge, or the freaks who attacked the school in Georgia who go out of their way to inflict civilian damage.

Your picking the wrong side; I am beginning to wish the US was Imperialist pigs we are portrayed as at this point. I hate War, get it done, get it over with.

Comment So China, USSR, Syria, Iraq, North Korea are safe? (Score 1) 167

Interesting that Wiki leaks is revealing (or has revealed) state secret information on countries trying to be democratic like Israel, Jordan, Iran, and Afghanistan.
But countries that blatantly ignore or have questionable human right policies seem to get a pass.
How can you like these guys?

Thanks for the heads up!

Submission + - Who or what is bigfish?

elkto writes: Who or what is bigfish?

I help a number of small LOCAL businesses with IT. One of the things I setup is a firewall that has as one of its rules to deny incoming connections from IP addresses from foreign countries. I just do not see what good can come from allowing connections to countries that they will never be doing business with.

Enter bigfish and Microsoft’s Exchange Online service. A number of companies that have local presence here and around the United States subscribe to this service. Unknown to them, Microsoft sees fit to forward their emails off to a foreign land (on occasion, not every time) and have them delivered from there! Of course the firewall here denys the connection and the email attempt fails.

No problem, add a white list you say; Well I cannot get bigfish or Microsoft to respond with a list of IP addresses that we can expect mail from.

Do these companies know that their communications are being forwarded to foreign lands? What laws apply to the communications privacy and a nations civilians rights (sovereignty)? How can it be efficient to send communication across an ocean twice, where is the outcry on energy waste in doing so?

Comment Running a Kool Aid Stand are ya... (Score 2) 1239

Well, logically if you want to blame a single administration, or really a point in time, look to the Urban Renewal and Development Program which looked to loan money to the disadvantaged. Now add Bank deregulation to aid the programs development, regulated capitalism which will punish all Banks which do not play the game, and you have set the stage for the nightmare we are in. A bunch of parties owing money they can never pay back.

Thank you Bill Clinton and Newt Gingrich.
Sure there was a surplus....of borrowed money.

Now had the money stayed in the country, it may not have been all the bad, but thanks to Ronald Regan and George H. Bush, money was traded out for foreign goods, many times to countries with less than good intentions for the US.

Now enter dumb and dumber, followers of Keynesian economics. You cannot buy your way out of money being gone by borrowing more money. George W. Bush (large ears) tried with stimulus 1, then Barack Obama (larger ears) with stimulus 2 (now twice as big as stimulus 1).

It's done now, US Presidents where not supposed to have so much power, and that is Congress's fault for not stepping up. You cannot place blame on this Congress's for trying to do what the previous congress failed to even address (even though it was their job, for two years).. And you cannot blame a group of good intentioned people for pointing out the obvious (The Tea party). We are screwed.

Comment Banks, Insurance Companies (Score 1) 380

"I" am ignorant for allowing Banks and Insurance companies (even CNN) author sites that require IE to function properly.

"Others" are much more intelligent than I for futility attempting to get theses sites to function with other browsers.

"Kahn, I am laughing at your superior intellect"

Comment Figured that out by yourself did ya? (Score 2) 869

I'm sorry for the quip, but really this has been a reality from even before the internet. At first, CNN (read Cable TV) seemed to straighten out the other big three, now that is toast.

As far as the Birth Certificate goes, I believe the undo attention came when a one million dollar retainer was put in place to protect it. I was latter led to believe that it became two million. Now one has to wonder if this was to divert the attention from something else.

I hope Allen West runs and wins the presidential election. It would go far in erasing much FUD that has been spread through the decade.

Comment Shuttle Action Plan - Solar System, here we come! (Score 1) 193

Do I detect an Engineer? :-)

While your plan has large issues, it is MUCH better than anything I have seen lately.
Just thinking out loud here:
We could use existing heavy lift bird to get a refueled tank to LEO, but it (the tank) would be a very different monster than the gravity fed one that exists today.
The mount points would have to change, and jigs designed that could be used in orbit to align the mount points up would be a new Engineering project.

On the upside, even though the nozzle geometry of the existing liquid rockets would not probably be optimum for operation in a vacuum, we do not need much energy to get things done as we already are in space.

Heck as the whole platform would be already in orbit, a tank with anything close to the amount of fuel as the original could be viewed as wretched excess.

All in all, I find your idea AWESOME! The more I think about it, the more I like it.

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