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Comment Re:Solar storm EMP vs nuclear weapons (Score 3, Informative) 59

While any nuclear detonation creates an EMP, it's really only high-altitude detonations that you need to worry about for EMP effects. Their interaction with the magnetosphere can amplify and spread their EMP effects over a very large area . By contrast the effective range for a normal ground or airburst nuclear EMP is less than its thermal and overpressure damage radii. When you are pincushioned by debris and on fire, you tend to re-evaluate your level of concern about your electronics.

Comment Of course they are! (Score 1) 533

AT&T and Verizon's (FIOS aside) main offerings are stuck at around 6mb/s. This change would mean that all of virtually all of AT&T's residential service and Verizion's non-FIOS residential service would fall out of the broadband category. Neither company wants to spend money on any infrastructure if they don't have to so keeping the status quo definition will save them billions of dollars.

Comment Re:Oh now Apple joins the team (Score 1) 160

I dunno. Most of the people I know with iphones have asked Siri "where can I hide the bodies" because she has a funny answer (starts looking up quarries, if I recall). Of course, if any of them had become murder suspects shortly thereafter, it could have been a problem, but if Apple reported all of those, the police would probably give up after the first few as a waste of time.

Actually I don't think it does this anymore. I was playing with it not long ago and wondered if they had updated any of the old "joke" queries and noticed some of them seemed to be removed and this was one of them. I wonder if this is why. I tried it just now and, of course, Siri appears to be down.

Also, let this be a record that I was asking this to verify if it still worked or not!.

Comment Re:Never let the truth (Score 1) 391

I don't think they would (they spend a lot of time making sure there is no bias on the wheels). Any bias seems to be in the croupier, not the wheel. I've run into croupiers that never seem to get runs, and others who worked almost like a clock (those are my favorites). I once spent two hours on the floor of the Mandalay Bay watching (and betting with) one particular croupier. It was 7 red then black (or vice versa) over and over and over. I was quite sad to see her shift end :) I've also seen streaks go on for 16 spins. Lucky for me I always seem to hit those when they peak. I watched a kid trying to do the same thing on one of those long streaks. He walked away quite sad, even more so when I walked up, dropped $50, and won on the next spin. So yea, there is a lot of luck involved (apparently I'm allowed to win small amounts of cash, just not the lottery)

I did once build a model for this that allowed me to play with the streak and chase bet numbers and I found that at 7/3 the results (won cash minus lost cash) quickly went positive and stayed there. I ran these over several hundred thousand "spins" and it didn't waver. I also kept track of the numbers to make sure they were with in the expected probabilities.

Comment Re:Never let the truth (Score 1) 391

I wait for a run of 6 (or more) red or black. I walk up, place a bet (say $20) on the opposite color. Most of the time, I win right away. If I lose, I will double down (double my prior bet on the same color, so $40, $80, $160), but no more than three more times. Outside the first time I did this (and chased a $20 with over $600, realized what I did and set my rule!) I've never had to go past three (so 4 bets total)

And that's it. Statically speaking I always have the same slightly less than 50/50 chance of winning (thanks to 0/00 it's not even odds although it pays that way), the prior spins really don't make any difference. Except, when I play this way, I win.Like I said, statistically it shouldn't work. Call it luck I guess.

The downside is you need a busy casino (with busy tables, which is getting harder and harder to find even in Vegas these days) that allows cash or casino chips on outside bets (bets along the outside of the table for color, odd/even, etc) at their roulette tables vs making you buy table chips, which for roulette are specific to the table. You will not get rich playing this way, it's too slow and higher bets risk running into table limits if you start doubling down, but it's an easy way to pay for dinner.

Comment Re:Automated notice not necessary here (Score 1) 368

Even if you live in a one party state and record a call in a two party state without consent, what are they going to do? The secondary state has no authority over you. The worst they can do is put out a warrant for your arrest which would only be an issue if you travel in their state and they happen to catch you. It is highly unlikely that a state with one party consent is going to extend reciprocity laws to a state with two party consent, and also unlikely that they would honor extradition when they find the other state's laws to be contrary to their own.

See Kearney v. Salomon Smith Barney, Inc. for an example of what they can do. You may also want to look into "conflict of law". It's not as cut and dry as you believe.

Comment Re:Never let the truth (Score 1) 391

You know you are off by a factor of 10, right? We're talking about 80-160 trips to the tables, not 800-1600. As for my bets, min. run of 6, not 4, and max chase bets of 3. I never said I never lost a bet, I said I never walked away from a table a loser.

Now if you really want to have fun, actually model it with those parameters and see how it turns out over 160 rounds.

Comment Re:Never let the truth (Score 1) 391

I suppose you think if you hit four blacks in a row on roulette you should always go red because it's red's turn to come up?

Although statistically it's totally irrelevant what the prior spins are, betting like this is how I pay for my expenses whenever I visit Vegas. Sure, I don't make a fortune doing it (usually just 20 here, 40 there), but I've never walked away from a roulette table a loser.

Then you haven't played enough roulette, or actually kept accurate records.

I would remember losing. Now, we're only talking about around $3,200 over like 4 different trips but still, it payed for my meals, taxis and, well, some of the alcohol. I never stay at the table, I swoop in, red or black, collect, and leave. I've stood around and watched people lose startling amounts of money on those tables.

Comment Re:Automated notice not necessary here (Score 1) 368

My state says that only one party must consent. I can record without the other party's consent.

The issue is the other party's state. - If the other party is a one-party-consent state, I've already consented and it's OK. - If the other party is a two-party-consent state, their law doesn't apply to me. Federal law governs a situation where differing laws in different states conflict on a matter. Since Federal law is essentially one-party-consent, the two-party-consent state can go fly a kite. If someone brings a case against you based on this, get it promoted up to a federal court where they will lose. This should be a fairly easy transition, since it's an interstate dispute.

So if you live in a two-party-consent state, you might be OK to record the other end without a hassle, but you'd better ask just to be sure. If you live in a one-party-consent state, do what you like. Your consent counts for your state's law and federal law agrees.

This is simply not true. See, for example, Kearney v. Salomon Smith Barney, Inc..

Comment Re:Automated notice not necessary here (Score 1) 368

In my state, only one party needs to be aware of a recorded conversation, and it's perfectly fine for that to be the person doing the recording.

Be careful here. When the two parties on the call are in different states, the rules can change and it becomes a little more complicated. The way courts have come down on this in the past you need to make sure that you are within the law for both your state and the state of the person on the other end. Generally, it comes down to the most restrictive laws win. So if you live in a single party consent state but are on the phone with a person in a two-party state, legally you have to notify them, and it's your responsibility to know if this is required or not. Now, in the case of someone like Comcast, it's very unlikely they would come after you for it (not to mention they probably gave consent when they told you that they may record the call) but it's something to be aware of.

Comment Re:Never let the truth (Score 1) 391

I suppose you think if you hit four blacks in a row on roulette you should always go red because it's red's turn to come up?

Although statistically it's totally irrelevant what the prior spins are, betting like this is how I pay for my expenses whenever I visit Vegas. Sure, I don't make a fortune doing it (usually just 20 here, 40 there), but I've never walked away from a roulette table a loser.

Comment Re:custom lens? (Score 1) 109

would it be hard to switch the lens in the rift with custom one that correct eyes problem?

Depends on how they are mounted. Plus I can't imagine it would be cheap. You would need custom lenses cut from scratch that take both the Rx and the normal cut of the stock rift lenses into account as well as possibly adjusting the prescription for the shorter than normal (for regular glasses at least) focal distance.

Now Oculus could possibly build something into the final consumer version that allows for adding an prescription lens to the system, and setup a retail service to make the lenses with proper adjustments for this particular use. Or they could find a away to allow for better fit of the device for people wearing glasses. But until then, I'd say his options are pretty limited.

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