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Comment Re:Need to get battery lifespan up (Score 1) 481

They're not "limited" in that they suddenly stop working after 1000 charge cycles; that's just the rated cycle count before they expect a 20% drop in capacity.

Lithium batteries can also do a lot more shallow charge/discharge cycles; Keeping the charge within 20%-80% and it the cycle count goes up to 5000+.
  Even the oldest Model S on the road still have at least 90% of its original capacity.

Comment Re:Wikipedia is reknown for it's own politics, bia (Score 4, Informative) 226

Wikipedia requires submitters to cite openly verifiable sources... which is something conspiracy sources won't bother doing... they are usually are self-referencing (bad source A citing bad source B, and vise-versa).. or they're deliberately obfuscating any factual data that contradicts their message.

Comment Re:Irrelevant (Score 1) 116

It depends what you use it for. An RP is a great for learning and for dedicated devices..... but we know it's far from being a modern desktop replacement. My "seat of my pants" feeling is that an RP3 is about as fast as a high end Pentium 3 (Circa 2000).

There are a *lot* of dedicated use devices that need much less power then a full fledged PC. The great thing is that PC technology doesn't stand still, and that a RP20 (or whatever the equivalent of an RP3 is in 15 years) will probably be as fast as today's PC.

Comment Re:The jobs aren't coming back (Score 1) 478

Actually, the natural gas is about half the price as coal right now (in MBTU/$) thanks to fracking. It's one of the reasons almost all major utilities are retiring coal plants or converting them to natural gas.... Aside from the other benefits of lower emissions (no ash waste, no exhaust scrubbers needed), and it's easier to ramp power generation up or down depending on demand.

Comment Re:He was never really honored the first time arou (Score 1) 91

It's a false comparison... Ritchie was *very* well known with computer guys; particularly programmers/developers... which Jobs hired many.

Jobs did what he did as a business, yet he also had a thorough understanding of the technologies involved; such as OOP- otherwise he wouldn't have had the rational in choosing Objective-C as a basis for his NextStep OS in the mid 1980's.. which eventually evolved into Mac OS X and iOS.

Comment Re:a.k.a. Clipper Chip 2.0 (Score 1) 232

The Clipper chip was in final development long before a Democrat took the White House in 1993... Those things don't pop out of nowhere.

Now I don't think the party of the president has a huge bearing on what those 3 letter agencies try to do.... but I can attest to a Republican presidency that shoved the PATRIOT Act down our throats.

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The next person to mention spaghetti stacks to me is going to have his head knocked off. -- Bill Conrad
