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Comment Re:Level playing field (Score 1) 347

they will act like any other local utility and tell you to wait 5 years until they gather enough data that there is a demand for it, then take another few years to study the problem, then spend another 5 years begging for money in the budget and finally upgrading the network

Actually, go check out Wilson, North Carolina. They embarrassed Time Warner so badly, Time Warner strongarmed the state into making municipal broadband illegal. It creates a lot of cognitive dissonance with the "government can't do anything right" crowd.

Which is hilarious considering the current system is just government-granted monopoly anyway, yet they defend it voraciously because, uh...privatization!

Comment Re:Other way around (Score 2) 711

They purchased AMC 20 years prior to your vehicle purchase. And Jeeps have never been known to be things like 'leak free'. OTOH, I was rather impressed with how they built them, at least relating to the 1978 CJ5 I used to have. Ran several miles at highway speed with no oil in the sump. And for tens of thousands of miles after refilling it :D Oh, it had about 80,000 miles on it when I bought it. But problem free? Well, how did the oil drain out?

Point is, if you had gone by anything other than anecdotal evidence, you would have known what you were in for.

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