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Comment I'm cycle touring in Africa (Score 1) 167

I'm currently cycle touring in central Africa and while this sounds like a potentially useful addition to my water supply solution (Katadyn water filter), it would not be a replacement for it. The main reason is that at 0.5 litres an hour (max capacity) it just wouldn't produce enough water for me. Currently, in ~30C temperatures with 80%+ humidity, riding 80km+ a day, I'm getting though upwards of 6 litres each day. It's thirsty work!

Comment Depressing (Score 2) 482

Christ Slashdot is depressing these days. Any article at all that mentions how women have a shit time in the digital world and the overwhelming majority of comments disagree, and those marked Insightful or Funny are almost exclusively whines from men about how it's all the fault of women and the "SJW crowd". If you're lucky, there'll be one or two +5 Interesting comments expressing alternative view. And they're always Interesting, never Insightful - it's as if these alternative views are *news* to people. It's just depressing.

Comment India & China (Score 1) 869

we'd have to get developing titans like India and China

This gets bandied around a lot as a "reason" not to do anything, or to do very little, about reducing human impact on the environment (Not saying that this is your point, just picking the words out). It's crap for two reasons: first, the impact of the US on the global environment far outweighs India or China's impact, now or in the foreseeable future. Secondly, and more importantly, the argument effectively says "can't fix everything so there's no use even trying." It may be that you can't fix everything, but we have to start somewhere, and doing something is better than doing nothing.

Comment The Telegraph (Score 1) 359

Late to the party so I suspect all y'all will miss this but it's important to realise that The Telegraph is a very right-of centre, capital "C" Conservative news organisation. In the UK it's often called the Torygraph for it's unquestioning and unalloyed support of all things associated with the Tory (Conservative) party. For a different spin, try the Guardian's coverage, here.

Even better would be to actually read the LRB article which actually is a detailed, nuanced piece which says both good things and bad about the guy.

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