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Comment if dogfighting in 2015, you've already lost (Score 1) 843

Does anyone actually expect to dogfight in this day and age? This isn't WW2 or Vietnam anymore, we have missiles, and lots of them.

Either we're fighting someone with 20 to 40 year old tech (ie Iraq) and just pew pewing missiles at their planes from a good distance away, probably while they are still parked on the runway.

Or if we're dealing with a real threat like Russia or China, then we'd just be using nukes or the biggest non-nuke missiles/rockets/bombs we have, again, trying to get the planes while on the ground. Moving in with real planes to clean up once we're pretty sure we knocked out 80+ % of their air capability. And then, missiles.

-- I only play video games, not to be confused with real military strategy.

Comment Re:Why all the Safari/Apple hate ?... (Score 1) 311

Yes, all this time desktop Firefox and Chrome on OS X have simply been Safari wrappers, and they didn't even know it!

Surprise, OS X allows full apps/binaries to run from any corner of the internet. It always has, and there are no plans afoot to get rid of this. Despite all the 'OMG walled garden lulz' blog posts on the internet.

Comment Re:0x4650 (Score 5, Interesting) 141

I'm guessing that the money would still go to the record companies who would just keep for themselves.

I do hope that Apple has it worked out that this doesn't happen. Not that I want Apple to sit on an even bigger pile of cash, just if musicians aren't going to get the money, I don't want it to go to the record companies.

Comment They are BFFs, so of course (Score 1) 546

Well, if the US and UK are all BFFs and sharing secret agent phone numbers, then obviously so are the Russians and Chinese.

I'm still having a big problem with the first part of this story. That the US would have the list of UK spies in the first place. I expect them to co-operate, but to just share the entire list, not just on a case-by-case need-to-know type thing seems really unlikely. Does the UK have a list of all US assets? Does this sound like a good idea to anyone?

Comment How have they not run out of names!?!?!? (Score 1) 294

Can we please just use bill numbers or something. You know, "bill 24552.1.b" instead of "moar freedom xxl" bill.

On a related note, is there a bill name generator somewhere that gets used? How have they not run out of 'freedom' and 'patriot' named bills by now? Where is "Patriotic Freedom bill version 2 XL. The re-return to Iraq. This time it's personal. Freedom 9/11 9/11"

Comment AutoHotKey! (Score 1) 258

AutoHotKey was awesome!

Did something similar for re-saving a dozen cds worth of corel draw clipart (probably about 30,000 images all together) into an actually usable format (probably eps).

Essentially it involved open file, save as, pick eps format, ok, close, alt-tab, down arrow, open file on repeat.

The computer was slow, so each command had a delay of a few seconds, and about a minute for the actual saving. Took a couple months worth of computer time, but I just had to start it up in the morning.

Comment Re:For anyone else wondering what the hell this is (Score 1) 207

What do you mean lacking menu system.... ohh, right, you must be on Windows (or *nix, no idea how they do it these days).

A lot of UI/Designers forget that you can't just make a pretty OS X like app in Windows because there is no persistent menu bar across the top to hide all your features. Being forced to dig through that side hamburger menu thing is a PITA.

Comment Re:convenient...for clueless hipsters (Score 1) 124

You do know that "hipsters" are all about using cash right? All the trendy coffee shops are cash only. So, welcome to team hipster.

To answer your question, the main reason is that Starbuck's reward program (13th drink free) is tied to using their gift cards. That's probably the main reason, it also made paying more convenient, before nfc/tap-and-go credit cards became a thing, when going cash-less.

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