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Comment Re:And we are back to them again... (Score 3, Insightful) 60

Yes a USB Flash Drive is more complex than a Cartridge, being that it is going threw a Universal Bus and is Read/Write (However Zelda use to be able to save data).
But compared to other forms of storage after cartridges downfall after the Nintendo 64. The USB Flash brings up many of the core Ideas of the Cartridge. A device that has no moving parts that is made to be constantly inserted and removed.

The Ford Model T is also very quite different than a Ford Mustang. But still they are classified as cars.

Comment Re:This is Slashdot, not Politico (Score 1) 420

The problem falls the fact that someones internet connection was cut.

Back in the old days before the late 1990's when such technology such as Internet Access, Cell Phones, Using a Computer. Where domain of the geeks. Today everyone is using it, however a lot of the old school geeks didn't get the memo.

If back in school if I were to walk around with a PDA and/or a Cell phone, Laptop of a Pager. I would been labeled even more of an outcast. Today having such technology is trendy.

Comment Re:Censorship? (Score 3, Insightful) 420

Well the person who you think is using "Right to Free Speech" to Vandalize someone's infrastructure that they too use to deploy free speech. So who is censoring who?

Free Speech doesn't mean every freaking action you do, because you want to send a message falls under free speech.

In that case those gangsters who shoot down those other gangsters to explain that this is their territory are in the right as well.

Comment Cross Platform for Generic Apps. (Score 1) 307

I am a big fan of Cross Platform Application Development.
However these are for applications that do not really take the advantage of the platform.
Having made web apps for Blackberry then for iPhone and Android... things such as different screen dimensions, different input methods, additional features also come into play.

Even the fact that each System has a different sets of interface standards, that can come in to make your app look good or crappy

Comment Re:But the inevitable (Score 4, Interesting) 165

I remember IE 4 for Unix. They had IE 5 for Mac.

I think microsoft plan of isolating Linux from IE failed. Offering it to Linux may give it a few more years of life from it. As people will use IE for Linux to stick with those corporate intranets, that have been made in Front Page, or Visual Studio.

Comment All those horrible coders from the 1990's (Score 1) 200

In the 1990's tech was big. So we hired any sap who had vague credentials to do the work. 100k a year to work in front page and call yourself a web developer. A bunch of hacks who worked in VB only and called themselves programmers. Creating an infrastructure where Systems Crashes were common and massive security holes.

2003 the tech bubble burst. Luckily a lot of the dead wood left, but then they went into real estate, where they rode that bubble, until it popped, due to inadequate work, and rushing for the fast buck.

What the employers need are high quality workers who care about their work. However there is a gap. Cheap H1B labor who are so cheap that you can just get your quality up by throwing more men in it, then there is the skilled person. Who will work up and go to bigger and better things. Because a small companies cannot afford a star performer.
But there isn't a good gap of dependable workers. Perhaps pushing for a 2 year program may fill that gap. Or it may just bring up the get rich quick group of people back in the 1990's

Comment Re:Not "like Slashdot" (Score 2) 225

Now nearly any story posting an opinion will get voted false. As there will be people disagreeing with each others facts.

Any articles about religion. Will be marked false from the atheists.
Any articles against religion. Will be marked false from all the religious.
The Right will mark false everything that is left leaning.
The Left will mark false everything that is right leaning.

Now granted it will be much more peaceful without a lot of this stupid bickering as most peoples opinions are worthless in the grand scheme of things. However once in a while a truly new piece of information may come out to inspire further investigation, and shouldn't be shut down so quickly because it doesn't immediately fit our world view.

Comment Let Star * die. (Score 1) 109

Star Trek, Star Wars...
These were shows/movies made decades ago.
Great for there time, but outdated now. Even reboots and new episodes featuring the next generation, brings in the money playing off of our Nostolga. They have to do so much work to explain why the cannon is changing because having the old shows showing things with limited effects and a different view on the progression of technology. Just clutters a good movie or show if just given a new universe.

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