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Comment Re:How about NO (Score 2) 96

Sadly I don't think cable will die off. The fact that they have all the redundant crap repeated over and over is because people watch it. If they didn't, they wouldn't keep making it. So I don't think you should hold your breath until "Teen Mom", "Toddlers in Tiaras" and "That Other Trainwreck Of a Show" stop airing.

I don't claim to understand why people like that crap, but based on the fact that it keeps coming out, its apparent they do.

Comment Re:Wouldn't that reduce the financial burden? (Score 1) 190

It would appear so. And telcos always pass that savings onto the consumer... *cough*

It could place providers in the position of requiring warrants for all law enforcement requests.

Wouldn't that reduce the labor/financial burden on the telcos?

The telcos must be acting at the request of politicians, in exchange for good treatment by the politicians on behalf of the telcos on other unrelated matters.

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