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Comment Re:But... why? (Score 1) 93

"Something needs to be done to fix that, but it needs to start with education and learning critical thinking." Problem is - education in the US, especially at the higher ed level, has jumped whole hog to one side of the spectrum that they are not interested in truly teaching critical thinking. They will say they are, but at the root they are not unless that critical thinking fits with their narrative, to not step in line will label you an outcast of the racist, misogynistic, transphobic or all of the above genre

Comment Accuracy of opinions? - Good luck (Score 2) 93

The problem is news reports are no longer who what when where, but majorly written (or these days filmed and produced) to show the opinion of the author or corp in charge. So while nice in theory, judging the "accuracy" of news is no longer true fact finding missions, but weeding out those opinions and facts that don't fit the narrative of the day. Those that don't fit are label racist, misogynistic , transphobic, what have you. To be construed as "accurate" - has boiled down to whether I agree with it or not.

Comment Re:Ambiguous phrase. (Score 3, Interesting) 483

Nothing ambiguous coming out of MN, The Minneapolis City Council is on record of completely shutting down the MPD.

"This council is going to dismantle this police department," Ellison said.

"Weâ(TM)ll be taking intermediate steps towards ending the MPD through the budget process and other policy and budget decisions over the coming weeks and months."

"We recognize that we donâ(TM)t have all the answers about what a police-free future looks like, but our community does"


Comment Re:Capacity or Cost? (Score 5, Interesting) 237

It's amazing the USPS is as good as it is, all things considered.

Absolutely, everyone like to pick on the USPS but if you were to say to someone who didn't know what the USPS was that one could stick a piece of paper in a envelope and legibly (or not) write an address on it and stick it in a nondescript looking box outside your home with only a little red flag to alert someone of your intentions and have it picked up and delivered anywhere in the U.S. usually within a couple of days and at the most a week to another nondescript box which may (or may not) have said legible address on it for all of $.50 they would call you crazy.

Comment Restrictions (Score 1) 696

Are there going to be any restrictions on what the money can be spent on? (use technology to restrict purchases on the UBI card - think WIC program on steroids)

Because without any, this is a colossal waste of money.

Way, way too many people currently spend what little money they either earn outright or is given to them via social programs on booze, cigs, lottery tickets etc. crap that no person of poor financial means should be buying. These folks have no financial fortitude and is mostly the reason they are where they are to begin with.

Do this with a taxpayer funded UBI program, these people will be no better off than before except the taxpayer will be holding a massive bill in his hands.

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