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Comment Re:I think the thing being missed here (Score 1) 300

If somebody builds it and 1% of the 1% buy tickets

Go re-read my post. Companies like Boeing or Airbus won't develop super-expensive planes unless carriers will buy a *lot* of planes.

Sadly, there aren't enough of the 1% who need/want to fly across the oceans on a regular basis for carriers to need a fleet of planes.

Comment "a tragic, unthinkable loss" (Score -1, Flamebait) 189

He (she?) was at one point soldier. Tell me that his/her parents never thought that he/she might never die.

And tell me that his parents never noticed that their short, soft boy-girl was "sensitive", and might one day crack under the pressure? Especially when he/she did something that he/she *knew* would piss off the government...

Comment Re:Bitstamp hack..... (Score 2) 114

you could buy a new car for 20 ounces 100 years ago you can still buy a new car for 20 ounces today.

But there are a lot more cars (and people to buy them) now than 100 years ago. That's a big problem, and why I said that the GS is unsustainable.

Gold provides natural level of inflation at about 1.5% a year.

It does?

Comment Re:Bitstamp hack..... (Score 2) 114

Money and currency are different things, money is ...

Currency is what is used in circulation ...

So what is "paper money"?

Gold ... has intrinsic value

No. It only has the value that we believe it has. Just like... fiat money!!!

The only difference between metals+land (aka physical assets) and fiat money is that they'll be around long after fiat money has gone away. Unless, of course, the government seizes it, it corrodes away (silver, titanium copper, etc), gets flooded out, is lost, stolen, misplaced, etc.

USD used to be a meaningful reserve currency before 1971, now it is not

If we had stayed on the gold standard, what would have happened to the US (and world, for that matter) economy when the population is growing faster than the new supply of precious metals?

The world population increased 75% from 1960 to 1999. Did the amount of gold increase 75% in that time? No. Population is going up exponentially, but the gold supply is going up linearly.

We also have more "stuff" (cars, bigger houses, TVs, gadgets, computers, etc) than we did 50 years ago. That "stuff" has to be paid for, which would require even more gold.

Thus, commodity-based currency eventually became unsustainable.

Comment Re:Bitstamp hack..... (Score 1) 114

As to gold and silver, that's money, not currency, there is no comparison.

Do you actually know the definitions of money and currency? 'Cause... when *I* look at the definitions of "currency" and "money", they're God damned similar; i.e., a metric ass-load of comparison.

Are you a gold bug ("Someone who considers one commodity, usually gold, "the appropriate measure of wealth, regardless of the quantity of other goods and services that it can buy"") with tendencies towards conspiracy theories? (Not that you'd think or admit you are, even if you actually are...)

Comment Re:Bitstamp hack..... (Score 1) 114


(My paternal grandparents grew up in the Depression, but still had no fear of banks. They were pretty darned cautious, though, by only using a big local *bank*, not S&L, that survived the Depression. Their parents probably didn't use banks in the 30s -- and *maybe* not in the 40s -- but definitely did in the 50s.)

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