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Submission + - Carrier IQ releases 19 page document explaining it ( 1

realized writes: Carrier IQ has finally answered some of the questions everybody has been asking in 19 page report released earlier today. The report, while doesn’t answer all questions does cover some and specifically addresses some issues came up on the now famous youtube video released by android developer Trevor Eckhar. Carrier IQ specifically addresses some of the main issues that arose from his video, claiming in this document that they do not read or even have the ability to read text message data among other things.

Comment They are denying it (Score 1) 538

I called in to protest and had 2 separate people tell me that this is not going to apply to uverse.
Whether or not that is true has yet to be seen.

I have not been presented with any evidence that this is the case but they seem to be good at lying about it at the retention level.

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The most difficult thing in the world is to know how to do a thing and to watch someone else doing it wrong, without commenting. -- T.H. White
