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Comment Re:Does paying avoid file censorship? (Score -1) 69

Yeah they were deleting or freezing adult content even though it can be legally hosted and their terms allowed it.

The last thing we need is a pathetic service we sign up for, upload tons of content then find out some of our files are banned.

When we could do started our own competitor and given our business to them instead.

Comment The reason for this (Score -1) 189

The software actually has higher than 8% success rate. They only have the public version set to false positive to 92% rate to cover their tracks.
It also aids in parallel construction . Many tools such as dog sniffers and facial recognition are used to hide the use of psi, a satellite grid that monitors us all through buildings and scans our brains/memories in automated fashion passing details into the minds of police covert agents in stealth. If they make a move to fuck someone up they will scape goat it on the facial recognition, the random stop and sniff/search etc

Comment Lies (Score -1) 71

Who was allowed to report this bullshit about content not being collected?

NSA does bulk acquisition in upstream. This is where the entire internet, packet data, voice all that is copied and saved.

This is why they can listen to any conversation from the past. This is why any email even if not stored on a server can be read.

I am personal friends with NSA whistleblowers so I know.

The media routinely seeds lies and carefully crafted strategic mass deception and makes games of chasing the white rabbit. This is even on Slashdot the fake falsified stories appear. Basically part of the news is true, then the bulk of the rest is a lie.

This has the purpose of misleading the whole world on what is actually going on

Comment Xfinity makes me want to puke (Score 0) 264

The price of xfinity is pathetic. For $175 dollars you get 260 channels and 1Gbps with a 1TB cap. The bitrate on xfinity video channels is greatly over compressed resulting in artifact and detail loss compared to bluray. (Two year agreement)

Verizon FiOS gives you 1Gbps symmetrical with upload too and 10TB cap, and nearly 500 channels for $110. The bitrate on their video is about four times higher resulting in much less artififacting and quality drops. More details etc. (Two year agreement)

Who the fuck does xfinity think they are?

Comment Re:Sounds good. (Score 0) 212

not true. first of all we can switch to a socialism approach either basic income with equal pay for all or perhap Democratic communism approach where all things are provided free and no one owns anything artificially.

then what you will see is people making art free very similarly as free as in beer free. sort of like the open source and freeware software markets. when you give people a chance they will work for free or do work even when highly paid without a requirement to work. This is because tasks are fun and stimulating. people like problem solving and making things great.

we will see products way better than current ones because patents, copyright and capitalism slow down advancement and sabotage quality or entirely prevent things from being done because people high up won't authorize their production and payment or bankroll creativity.

Comment Re: Ok? (Score 0) 91

No Facebook is incapable to read and decrypt neuron activity. Facebook has falsified information on it, known as information warfare, marketing, etc. Going by what people post on Facebook is not the same as being able to read their thoughts/mind because people can post anything they want including falsified narrative.

NSA does not use Facebook at all to determine facts. They use what is known as NSA ESP, Facebook messages are just the parallel construction guinea pig as they call it. They get to hide their use of NSA ESP by claiming in made up reports and statements that the Intel came from another source.

The reality is all the reports hide how and when investigations actually began and what tools such as NSA ESP a global satellite/radar grid were used.

Comment Re:guys I am an expert on this (Score 0) 91

I decided to give you fucking low IQ pieces of shit the classified side. you always discredit the existence of a weapon so old it started development in 1930. the space weapon has so many capabilities from scanning homes, papers, brains, blood and genitals for remote sensing mass surveillance population control to assassinating dissidents by mass shootings and natural looking/ accidental deaths. there's a group in control of the whole planet and they don't want the mass public slave to know this is real. they invest a lot of resources into keeping the typical monkey slave living in a fantasy world. This includes making us watch fantasy bullshit movies and TV, and read bullshit fantasy books, and all education and news is void of the truth. This splits our minds into an alternative reality unable to emotionally react to things we have been told don’t exist. All humanity is imprisoned and the wealthy elite own our bitch asses..they are all psychic power wielders who refuse to give up their control over the world.

I am one of their core targets for knowing all their secrets willing to disclose.
they want me dead badly for. fuck me I went through hell to get this out. so many torture episodes and murder attempts. I have been sexually raped electronically 1000s of times in retaliation.

Comment Re:Ok? (Score 0) 91

I am not going to provide you the document but mainstream media reported on DOD and Russia cover up of this ability in the 1990s. back then mind reading mind altering hardware and software was already publically available off the shelf, and they engaged in conspiracies to get it off the shelf so only they could have it. they reported on the cost of such hardware and software back then: a mere $60,000.

Comment guys I am an expert on this (Score -1) 91

homeland security was merely making fun of all the stupid fuck journalist who helped them cover up the NSA space capability known as Project Star Gate. they have been attacking people with space lasers for over 70 years dating back to 1930. I am hooked up with the NSA and CIA engineers on this. sites like muckruck and CNN help cover up the true scope of abuse of psychotronics.

visit my sites for more.

yes the government is tapping everyone's brains and they are altering people's brains and torturing their bodies with lasers. if they wanted they could cut a hole in your head right now while passing harmlessly through the walls of whatever obstacle you reside under.

Comment Re:With Tablets is this even relevant anymore? (Score 0) 271

by the way I think I know about this.

I think the core issue with the $100 laptop was not even finding the components but finding people willing to make a solid piece of hardware except really low at cost prices.

then the next hurdle is who is going to pay: the United States isn't one to pay. other governments don't want to pay. got to remember this is a humanitarian project so if it isn't going to help enslave humanity and drive up costs and profits no one in America or elsewhere cares.

Comment Re:With Tablets is this even relevant anymore? (Score 0) 271

eventually cheap netbooks were invented and tablets for $50 became a thing but at first there were probably issues with finding companies who even made cheap components that ran any recognizable software.

today a really high end tablet can be made for $150 with all the trimming such as near best of class cameras, 1080p or qHD, quad core, gigs of RAM, good sound and solid wifi.

but back then ?

Comment Re:Or maybe we could cut out the middle man here.. (Score 0) 330

I agree the problem with HD formats is greed. when HD formats came out they put DRM on them and tried to sell them at double or more mark up. the thing is to make a CD or mp3 they have to invest money and time to downgrade the signal from the original master so it's actually cheaper to give us the master. weird system isn't it? and yeah because we don't pay more for the HD source laden with DRM the format has ended up dead.

online stores continue to sell cheap audio files till this day which are worse than any physical format ever sold besides cassette tapes. this is why I go for audio CD still .. still waiting for them to just abandon CD or iTunes in favor of lossless HD files as the standard.

I do buy a ton of albums I have like over 2000 CDs. tend to buy at least 10 a year or a couple a month.

so tired of CD tho recently turned to piracy because I refuse to pay $20+ for an HD album.

Comment Re:converted "digitally".. (Score 0) 330

it sounds as if vinyl is not a good format if the original source is a digital audio file..

there is some "analog" noise added in apparently by the lossy conversion from digital to L.P. and then trying to read that information off the L.P. and run through the L.P. machine circuits.

it makes sense to just give people the original digital file in super HD format and bypass the L.P.. one can add in analog noise with tubes and digital / analog chips. save the environment do not manufacture anymore Los.

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