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Comment Re:Dreaming of code? (Score 1) 533

Of course everybody wants more money. The point is -- and this is what important for employer -- are you willing to work harder for it? If your salary is 100K are you going to work twice as hard for 200K? Unlikely, but the employer would have to pay you twice as much.

Alternatively, will you drop your job near your house that provides meals, transportation, etc. that pays 100K in cash for the one far from your place that provides none of the perks, but pays 150K? Also not a given.

Comment Re:And your predictions? (Score 1) 385

yet we still don't have flying cars, and everyone wants one of those!

... and yet Asimov predicted that we would!

My point was not that I can predict better then Asimov. I didn't try. I wrote the first thing that came to mind. The point is that for many changes it is a lot harder to predict a time line, rather than will it or will it not happen. The remote charging is exactly one of those technologies that is "almost happening" for several decades now. Same goes for the flying car.

BTW, Asimov did not actually say anything about cordless phones. I read his predictions after posting my original comment.

Comment Re:And your predictions? (Score 1) 385

First, I can almost guarantee you that in 50 years we will still have devices we would need to carry: I didn't say "phones", I said "devices". Second, devices embedded in your body still need power. Third, Asimov's original article didn't say anything about "carrying phone around", only that the telephone will have screen. Fourth, the "short term issue with present day devices" has been around for decades, literally.

Regarding which prediction is better -- only time will tell.

Comment Re:And your predictions? (Score 1) 385

The problem with predictions like "cordless phone" and "robot cars" is that they are super easy. A lot of people want it, a lot of people dreamed of it, a lot of people ready to pay for it, so there is a high chance that this will happen. The thing you don't know is *when*. Our lives are not run by "cars with brains" in a same way it is run by smart phones, so saying that he predicted correctly both is somewhat of an overstatement.

I'll give you an example of similar prediction: in 50 years all devices will be charged remotely, no need to plug them in. You'll enter your house and the devices you carry with you will start to charge. This is almost bound to happen. When and to what extent -- this is the question that nobody can answer (and the one that really matters.)

Comment Re:Reverse Santa? (Score 1) 418

Amazon is required to do that under the copyright law. The content was not bought for the customer to own. Only licensed. Or sub-licensed. Or whatever is the name for the legal clusterfuck that happened between Disney, Amazon and the customer.

This is how digital sales work on any web site that offers them.

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