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Comment Re:Just get a case (Score 1) 544

Off and on, right now I'm sort of stuck in ROM support hell, my phone isn't well supported by AOSP base, which everything seems to want to use these days (the ROMs work but the phone functionality sucks) so I have to run a dated Sense ROM to keep everything working right. I'm just in a holding pattern until I can get a new phone.

Comment Re:Just get a case (Score 1) 544

Intriguing. I really liked what I saw, it's one of those "out there" things that may be worth learning. I've always been tempted to buy a one-handed keyboard and other things along those lines, with the fear that much like my old ergo keyboards I learn them, love them, wear them out and not be able to replace them.

Comment Re:Just get a case (Score 4, Insightful) 544

I like Swift Key, but it's not the answer to everything. For instance I couldn't even type in a user name in Plants Vs. Zombies while it was active, the built in email program on my phone is nearly impossible to use with Swift key - it moves the cursor in an unpredictable manner, and it still isn't a "real" keyboard. While I hope those software issues are alleviated for Swiftkey, there isn't a modern phone around that even compares to my more than 10 years ago Motorola T900 pager.

A case isn't always a good answer either, most of those use Bluetooth to communicate with a phone and I know people who've demonstrated hooking Wireshark up to Bluetooth and capturing every letter typed on a keyboard they weren't even paired with.

Comment I know at leat three people driving Sienna's (Score 1) 205

each of them over ten years old.

I'm not a Mini-van fan, but those things, even at 10+ years are nice on the inside and you can't kill them. They just keep going. Also, the years they were built they were more American than the Mustang of the same year model, actually passing it up in parts manufactured in the U.S./ Canada. I don't know if the whole "Sienna is more American than the Mustang" thing is still true or not, but a little over ten years ago it was.

Comment Re:A return of Google's comment bar? (Score 1) 142

I mostly see people mad that they aren't getting a financial cut and people mad because someone other than them is regulating speach on their page. It amazes me how many people want to regulate speach.

If it's nothing but a vandal wall people will ignore it. If it's something great people will use it. Low tollerance people will cry to regulate it, I'm a little tired of people crying until they get regulations on things they don't like. If someone wants to side Wiki let them, I don't care if they're huge right now or not, I found it to be quite ignorable, rarely did I find any comments worth viewing on it.

Comment Re:A return of Google's comment bar? (Score 1) 142

What I want to know is why it's fine for me to make my own, but it's not okay for Google, or in this case Firefox? It's not like it was on by default, you had to download it from Google Labs. I really don't care if it exist or not, I thought it was interesting, I installed it, but I wound up ignoring it like I do most bells and whistles.

Comment Re:Bad design (Score 1) 85

I've seen this happen before. If it's a good enough weld with Chromoly it may not ever happen under 400 lbs of rider, but you're right, welds have been a reoccurring issue with low production run bikes in the past, not just Chinese, but even really high end names. There's just too many issues with this design. I could see it being fun for kids in a neighborhood, but I have trouble taking it seriously otherwise.

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