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Comment Re:What is Mesa? (Score 5, Informative) 80

Here's the relevant part (sorry, editing on a phone isn't that easy...):

Now comes the fun part: modern hardware acceleration. I assume everybody already knows what OpenGL is. It’s not a library, there will never be one set of sources to Each vendor is supposed to provide its NVIDIA provides its own implementation of OpenGL and ships its, based on its implementations for Windows and OS X.

If you are running open-source drivers, implementation probably comes from Mesa. Mesa is many things, but one of the major things it provides that it is most famous for is its OpenGL implementation. It is an open-source implementation of the OpenGL API. Mesa itself has multiple backends for which it provides support. It has three CPU-based implementations: swrast (outdated and old, do not use it), softpipe (slow), llvmpipe (potentially fast). Mesa also has hardware-specific drivers. Intel supports Mesa and has built a number of drivers for their chipsets which are shipped inside Mesa. The radeon and nouveau drivers are also supported in Mesa, but are built on a different architecture: gallium.

Comment Re:Chaos... what? (Score 1) 74

There are a lot of ways to look at hard, somewhat generic problems, like Sudoku. Have you seen the SAT problem? One way to consider it is like you describe - a set of simultaneous equations. Another way to consider it is to use the equations and some rules to draw a graph, then perform graph operations. NP problems are an active area of academic interest. It's generally not possible to know how hard these problems are before solving them, so if this technique can be more general than just Sudoku, that could be important.

Comment Re:Where? (Score 5, Insightful) 715

The problem is generally not that men dislike women, sexism takes much more subtle forms than that. I'm in the military, another male dominated career field, and I've seen that it can be hard for women to try to just fit in and work if they're being singled out even in small ways. This post discusses it a bit:

There are times that I've thought one of my female coworker friends needs to "lighten up", and I've thought that about male coworkers too. But there are many times when I've seen that the women are correct, and that they've been singled out in an unfortunate way. It really turns them off to a field that needs a more equal gender balance, and that's too bad.

I think XZVF kinda hit it on the head, too.

Comment A friend was (Score 1) 407

I have a friend who was sued by the RIAA or one of their members. I don't know anything about it, except that he and a few others all decided to settle, and that they were all in college at the time. He's doing well now.

There have been a few news stories about the grandma who was sued, or the cute college coed that was sued, too. Not that I know them, but the people do exist.

Comment Re:naysayers (Score 1) 387

Not to defend or disagree with your comment's parent, I've been thinking a bit about science belief/knowledge and relaized that there's a lot of science which I understtand logically but that I haven't witnessed firsthand. For instance, in physics labs I've proved a lot of physics to myself, and I "know" that bit of science. I've seen the curvature of earth and know that it's round. I've used an electron microscope (don't remember the type) and understand its function and now I "know" about atoms. Biology, on the other hand, is something I'm not terribly versed in. I totally believe that white and red blood cells exist, and that that's how our immune system works and how oxygen gets to our body parts, but I can't say that I "know" it to be true. I'm sure this sounds like a drunk college conversation, sorry. It'd be better but I'm driving and typing...

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