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Comment Re: Asimov's Law of Robotics (Score 1) 47

Part of my long-ago introduction to the Internet was encountering people who were convinced robot soldiers were impossible because Asimov's Laws were actual physical laws, as real as F=ma. Their last line of defense was usually "You calling Isaac Asimov a liar?"...

Comment Re:Deactivating your Facebook account is no better (Score 1) 111

Let's see if I get this right, from a position on the outside looking in with no more than transitory interest. Facebook furnishes you with a peripheral at a price below comparable products from other sources, in return for you letting them collect your personal data and advertise to you and your friends based on the results. Not a deal that I'd take, but at least there's a quid pro quo.

What am I missing?

Comment Re:Zero emissions (Score 2) 223

For the sake of perspective: Hydrogen is not an energy resource, because it's all been burned up. It's an energy transfer medium that lets you move energy from a resource to a consumer. All the environmental impact takes place in unburning the hydrogen by adding energy extracted from the resource.

If the resource is a reactor, you effectively have nuclear-powered airplanes.

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We gave you an atomic bomb, what do you want, mermaids? -- I. I. Rabi to the Atomic Energy Commission
