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Submission + - Beer Displays? OLEDs To Power Lighting Revolution

An anonymous reader writes: Science Daily reports that thin film of plastic which conducts electricity and produces solar power could be the basis for a revolution in the way we light our homes and design clothes. The devices' uses could vary from lighting that is many times more efficient than current bulbs to clothes whose colour can be changed at will and beer cans that display the latest football results, according to researchers at the University of Bath.
The Internet

Why are Websites Still Forcing People to Use IE? 899

DragonTHC asks: "I just visited Movielink's website for research. Their site has a nice message saying, 'Sorry, but in order to enjoy the Movielink service you must use Internet Explorer 5.0 (or higher) or Mozilla/Firefox with an IE Tab Extension (IE installation required).' While allowing the IETab Firefox extension is somewhat progressive, why do companies still force people to use Internet Explorer? Surely the site should work just fine in Firefox? With Firefox's steady gains in market share, you would think that webmasters would get the hint. If you are a webmaster, what are your reasons for forcing IE?"

Feed eBay profits jump 52 per cent (theregister.com)

More, more, more

eBay beat Wall Street expectations with a net profit jump of 52 per cent. The online auction leader's first quarter net income hit $377m this quarter compared with $248.3m last year.

Feed ICANN gets restraining order against RegisterFly (theregister.com)

$6000 chihuahua brought to heel at last

In a welcome victory for RegisterFly customers, ICANN announced yesterday that it had been granted a Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) against RegisterFly, the ICANN-accredited domain registrar accused of allowing tens of thousands of domains to lapse unlawfully. The TRO orders RegisterFly to provide copies of all current registrant data within 48 hours, and provide weekly data updates to ICANN.

It's funny.  Laugh.

Submission + - Jack Thompson Blames VaTech on Bill Gates

Sexy Commando writes: "As reported on gamealmighty.com, attorney and anti-gaming activist Jack Thompson has been hitting the media circuit with a vengeance recently, due to the tragic events that took place earlier this week on the campus of Virginia Tech. Yesterday, Thompson issued a press release predicting that video games would be found to have been a contributing factor in the shootings. The Washington Post stated that the shooter, Cho Seung-Hui, had reportedly been 'a fan of violent video games, particularly Counterstrike, a hugely popular online game published by Microsoft, in which players join terrorism or counterterrorism groups and try to shoot each other using all types of guns.'

Quote from the article: 'Mr. Gates, your company is potentially legally liable the [sic] harm done at Virginia Tech. Your game, a killing simulator, according to the news that used to be in the Post, trained him to enjoy killing and how to kill.'"

Submission + - Local Reality Takes Another Quantum Hit

An anonymous reader writes: Advocates of Local Realism (an alternative to a fully quantum mechanical approach to physics) lost another round today with the publication of a new research study indicating that Leggett's Inequalities are better supported by observational results than any proposed Local Reality alternatives. The paper is quite dense, but a good perspective piece is also available.

Feed UMPC goodness on display in Beijing (cnet.com)

At the Intel Developer Forum in Beijing, Intel offers up devices to be built on the just-announced Ultra Mobile Platform 2007. Think teeny tiny tablet-laptops. From Crave, CNET's gadgets blog.

Feed Executives discuss how the modern Web is impacting IT (com.com)

Video: Executives discuss how the modern Web is impacting IT. At the Web 2.0 Expo in San Francisco, ZDNet Editor in Chief Dan Farber talks to Ross Mayfield, CEO of SocialText; Matthew Glotzbach, product management director of Google Enterprise; and Satish Dharmaraj, CEO of Zimbra, about why CIOs are starting to implement Web 2.0 technologies in the enterprise.

It's funny.  Laugh.

Submission + - Michael Dell uses Ubuntu!

srinravi writes: Martin Varsavsky writes that Michael Dell, CEO of Dell Inc uses Ubuntu on his home laptop!. Quote from the article:

"Interestingly I just got an e mail from Michael Dell in which he says he also uses Ubuntu. As the link shows he went as far as to say so in his official bio in the Dell web site. Now if Dell, the corporation goes the way of Michael Dell, the CEO the Ubuntu distro will rise from relative obscurity to the big league of Vista, Windows XP and MacOSX. Fans of Ubuntu should watch this opportunity carefully Michael Dell may be coming your way just as the new Ubuntu is about to be released." . Here is a direct link to the Dell Executive bios site.

Feed Apache reignites Sun open source dispute (theregister.com)

Opens fire with open letter

The Apache Software Foundation (ASF) has publicly slammed Sun Microsystems for dragging its feet over licensing it claims is unfair and discriminatory to open source, five years after the pair resolved similar differences.

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