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Comment Re: To hire specific people (Score 1) 465

I had that situation face-to-face.

Black guy whose only qualification was a piece of paper from Sun saying he could answer questions about Java. (Shouldn't have even been called for interview really: the company was desperate to diversify away from just VB development).

I simply could not understand a single word he said! I had to stop the interview after 10 minutes.

Comment Re:Torvalds being foul-mouthed again? News at 11. (Score 1) 1501

Torvalds has always been a foul mouthed whiner and politely asking him to behave like a decent human being won't change him.

There, fixed that for you.

Torvalds has always been a self-important arsehole -and I mean that in a bad way- and he's too socially inept to even realise what a spoilt little brat he is.

Comment I used to contribute to JBoss (Score 1) 480

I used to contribute to JBoss until I had this happen to me.

I wrote the very first JAAS tutorial and example code for JBoss. It was promptly stolen, the other guy's name added, mine removed and then published to the JBoss community.

I called the plagiarist, Scott Stark, out, he denied it.

I pointed out all "his" code was identical to mine including variable names, he denied it, claiming the variable names were "obvious".

I pointed out this "his" examples contained exactly the same errors as mine did, finally he admitted he'd stolen my work and added my name as a contributor.

That plus Mark Fleury's attitude drove me away and I decided never to contribute to JBoss again.

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