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Comment I Met My Doppelgänger (Score 1) 142

I actually met the guy. He looks exactly like me and has a tall lean build just like me as well. Here's the story best as i can type it. This absolutely true but no one really believes me so i don't tell it anymore to avoid the 'yep, you've finally gone nutzo looks'.

In the early '90s i moved up to Toronto, where after work i would often go to a well known local bar. It was a bit of a rough one, no real problems tho with cheap beer and good country music. Some months later a girl i had never met before comes up to me and says her guy friend looks exactly like me and he wants to see me. I just figured sure honey, i hear all kinds of crazy ass talk in this bar, so of course i just forgot about it.

A couple weeks later i'm back at the bar after work and this guy walks up and says something like, "hey we look exactly alike, i look just like you". I looked up and holy smokes he did too!!, Kinda weird, felt like i was looking into a live mirror. Well it was interesting for a few minutes until it turned out we were quite people different people. I am a basic working stiff, no angel but i stay mostly within the law. No jail time ever, just fines and silly stuff when i was younger.

My Evil Twin not so much. Turns out he is a thug type, and attempted to strong arm me for my ID. He was gonna beat me if i didn't hand it over. There was brief face off (no pun intended) after i refused and he eventually walked out empty handed. Never saw him again, tho i regularly went to the same bar for a couple years following.

Story doesn't end yet. About a year or two after this, I had moved to a different part of town and was walking home past the shops on a main street when i saw three or four guys about my age hanging around in front of a shop. They sorta looked at me as walked and as i looked over, one guy jumps up and says "hey!, how's it going?". I says "pretty good" and kept walking, but he steps up and says to me, "I remember you from the Don Jail" (the major detention jail in Town), and "yah, you're all right" then proceeds to ask me if want to buy any pills. I just said nope, i'm broke, gotta meet the old lady and kept on walking.

That's the story .I never knew his name, so i can't google him, but I do often wonder what's up with the guy now. Is he serving time or maybe changed his ways and became a priest? Likely he's dead by now i think. I am 58, so it's very possible but if he's still around i wonder if we still look alike..

Comment Re:They've been available longer than you think (Score 2) 330

Banacek had one in his car, which always seemed uber cool and apropos for that suave dude.. In any case that show ran '72-'74.
It was when the phones were not tethered to a vehicle battery and large antenna that sealed the mobile deal. Still i was about 32 (1990) when i got my first cell phone and only becasue i moved form a small town to a large metropolis and you pretty much had to have one there.


Apple's Secret Plan To Join iPhones With Airport Security 232

Hugh Pickens writes "Currently — as most of us know — TSA agents briefly examine government ID and boarding passes as each passenger presents their documents at a checkpoint at the end of a security line. Thom Patterson writes at CNN that under a 2008 Apple patent application that was approved in July and filed under the working title "iTravel," a traveler's phone would automatically send electronic identification to a TSA agent as soon as the traveler got in line and as each traveler waits in line. TSA agents would examine the electronic ID at an electronic viewing station. Next, at the X-ray stations, a traveler's phone would confirm to security agents that the traveler's ID had already been checked. Apple's patent calls for the placement of special kiosks (PDF) around the airport which will automatically exchange data with your phone via a close range wireless technology called near field communication (NFC). Throughout the process, the phone photo could be displayed on a screen for comparison with the traveler. Facial recognition software could be included in the process. Several experts say a key question that must be answered is: How would you prove that the phone is yours? To get around this problem, future phones or electronic ID may require some form of biometric security function including photo, fingerprint and photo retinal scan comparisons. Of course, there is still a ways to go. If consumers, airlines, airports and the TSA don't embrace the NFC kiosks, experts say it's unlikely Apple's vision would become reality. 'First you would have to sell industry on Apple's idea. Then you'd have to sell it to travel consumers,' says Neil Hughes of Apple Insider. 'It's a chicken-and-egg problem.'"

Comment Re:"Bathroom" can easily be renamed.... (Score 1) 630

At one of the sweat shop outsourced technical call centers i worked at, we had various "aux codes" after you logged into the phone, which were used for different off phone activities. Research, tech lead, training, etc were different codes. Aux 1 was for total paid breaks, of which we had 30 min for an 8 to 10 hour shift. You must smoke, chat, handle your personal needs, etc within the time. Once they implemented "paid by the switch" any aux 1 over that meant unpaid time. You also received disciple, from a warning up to termination, if you were not within required metrics on our daily/weekly/monthly reports. I was young and pretty hardy, quickly moved up to top pay with tons of OT, but it became brutal as they clamped down. Sad to say, but most of us were never so happy when that company finally closed the location, moving it out of the country.


Cat Parasite May Increase Risk of Suicide In Humans 252

An anonymous reader writes "Researchers at the University of Maryland analyzing meticulous data collected by Danish authorities have identified a positive correlation between suicides among women with infection with the fairly common parasite T. gondii. Carriers were 53 percent more likely to commit suicide in a sample of 45,000 Danish women monitored for over a decade (researchers believe that the same correlation likely exists for men). Increased susceptibility to schizophrenia and bipolar disorder was also discovered. The physiological mechanism has not been determined, although some speculation centers around changes to dopamine levels. Two intriguing aspects were noted: 1) human infection often (but not always) begins by exposure to cats carrying the parasite, for example, by changing an infected animal's litter; and 2) the parasite spreads itself by infecting the nervous system of rodents, causing them to become suicidally attracted to feline odors which will increase the likelihood of their hosts being eaten by cats, whose digestive tracts provide the preferred environment for parasite reproduction."

Comment Re:Why didn't you just get an iPad? (Score 1) 96

I read mostly at day (inside or outside). E-ink rules for that. However i picked up a cool case for my Kobo with a nice attached light. It is great! Once you figure the angle to light the screen with no reflection, I can read for hours. Plus it protects the device.

If I was one read in the dark most of the time, then perhaps i would consider a TFT/LCD device. Also just to read stuff on the iPad seems excessively costly ..

I will wait and see. As suggested previously, its just a mater of convergence. Be nice to have it all.

Cum se cum sa

Comment Re:A new css M assedia type? (Score 0) 96

Hmm, this kind of reminds me of the first gen Cell Phone browsers, when you had to access WAP sites to get content. (I supported those buggers for years) Eventually smart sites would just redirect based on the browser. Then the "mobile browsers" got better. Seemed OK for a while.

I think it's a similar threshold to cross, once the hardware and content converge. So around that time, the content providers will have no choice but to comply, or vice versa. Not to mention the certain increase in mobile bandwidth and capabilities. Not everyone connects to any bandwidth worth mentioning today.

Try viewing web sites with a stock browser (of your choice, any OS) on a computer unless you add every darn proprietary thing, just not feasible or workable.
E-Ink, (I like it) great for text, especially on the new ones. Hey, these are readers, not really "web devices".... yet.

Now every darn web site (not an HTML comment, ahem) requires so many add-ons, it’s stupid; but your right in a certain way, we now have expectations that mobile browsing on any device should have the same experience as your computer per se, or whatever your expectations are.

Most e-Readers are just readers providing simple reading content, that's all; however they are evolving fast and the content providers will follow the flow. The current web access is there only to obtain content (just like ring tones, etc) IMHO. No one wants simple B/W web sites (wake up) :) E-ink is very cool and easy on the eye(s) for text.

If you want to browse the web on a device in your hand in color, with bells and whistles; meaning you want it all, then give it some time. Much more interesting to me is to see how this will develop in terms of what we get/want. Really this is the big question, which I am certain will soon to be analyzed here and elsewhere soon.

Comment Re:Daily (Score 1) 266

I know lots of people using HDD's as a backup solution today. Backing up data to a single HDD is easy sure, however since it is the HDD that always fails, it seems to be just asking for trouble. The old axiom: there are two kinds of HDD's, those they have failed and those that will fail, still holds true.

Backup to your HDD or RAID Array if you require real time access, then for safe keeping to DVD, or your tape drive if you can afford a nice one.


Firefighters Let House Burn Because Owner Didn't Pay Fee Screenshot-sm 2058

Dthief writes "From MSNBC: 'Firefighters in rural Tennessee let a home burn to the ground last week because the homeowner hadn't paid a $75 fee. Gene Cranick of Obion County and his family lost all of their possessions in the Sept. 29 fire, along with three dogs and a cat. "They could have been saved if they had put water on it, but they didn't do it," Cranick told MSNBC's Keith Olbermann. The fire started when the Cranicks' grandson was burning trash near the family home. As it grew out of control, the Cranicks called 911, but the fire department from the nearby city of South Fulton would not respond.'"
The Courts

Court Rules Against Woman Who Didn't Like Search Results 173

The Seventh Circuit Court has ruled that Beverly Stayart can't sue Yahoo! because she did not like what she saw on the results page after searching for her name. Stayart claimed that her "internet presence" was damaged by Yahoo! because results for a search of her name showed listings which included pharmaceuticals and adult oriented websites. The court disagreed. From the article: "Stayart had sued under Section 43(a) of the federal Lanham Act, which prohibits false advertising, false implications of endorsement, and so on. Her problem was that a Lanham Act claim requires a showing that the plaintiff has a 'commercial interest' to protect, and Stayart did not have a commercial interest in her own name."

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