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Comment iphones camera?? (Score 1) 76

Did the author just dead#ss forget about camera phones for 5 years prior?

Granted okay the 808 had a camera over 10 years ago thats better than most phones on market now still so good enough is good enough but also modern good enough is better than a pocket camera from 15 years ago.

Comment Re: If society was cooperative rather than competi (Score 1) 152

Technically dictatorship could be argued as slavery and that extended to french revolution and beyond.

The systems how you got your lot varied of course but throughout most of it large concentrations of people tended to have pretty strict hierarchies.

Iike it would be wrong to say that the whip was the only way you got people to do back breaking labor as well. A lot of really crappy jobs in antiquity and even to victorian england weren't structured as ownership of persons.

Arguably in victorian england the exploitation was enabled by the people on top not owning and not having responsibility for the people they exploited in dismal conditions, as it was structured as being those peoples fault they had to work for so little.

Comment Re: Really? (Score 1) 152

We know from their idea of slavery from texts and it was pretty much people as property of state and individuals.

Massacres and genocides too.

The point is though that the slave had no say in the matter of playing the flute and got told that they succ, but that of course could be narrative of whoever wrote the text either to make him sound like an ahole or as we would say now being hyper based.

Comment Re: AM radio is nothing in terms of volts. (Score 1) 314

Yeah saying it would affect ev range is hilarious straight up lying.

The companies that would like to get rid of it most are probably ones that would like to transmit rather only on fm but have some license thing where they have to do AM too. The am transmitter site is a lot more complicated to run with its required equipment and safety considerations than chucking a fm transmitter on a high building.

Comment Re: It's not your computer... (Score 1) 100

Its worded like they have no clue why its going on though.

Imagine paying for support and they mess with a subsystem without them knowing what they messed with.

Windows 11's been a bit of a mess though in all aspects. Halfway through its life they just made some older usb drivers just not work anymore, ie an update was not just an update but a throughout change in something yet they claim its hard to make the taskbar movable.

Comment Re: Artificial Intelligence doesn't stand a chance (Score 1) 46

Nobody can even define what general ai would even be. It's just the singularity all over again we were supposed to get to a decade ago.

If someone thought the ai-pin was a good idea and reasonably priced they probably believe the general ai already exists. You shouldn't let them decide how to use money.

Comment good news! (Score 2) 50

Nobody reads them! Its just other ai bots scrounging for bits for articles!

No seriously the young people don't read already all that much. This makes it very hard for them to actually absorb information from text and with the articles on offer starting to be more and more lenghtened with ai they're even less likely to start reading.

How do they learn then? they don't thats how we get university graduates who can't learn how to use excel.

Comment Re: Non-consensual rapey software at its finest (Score 1) 185

Yeah you need a bunch of hacks.

You can get the context menu like before, you can get win10 taskbar with explorerpatch (github) that you can drag around, you can get win7 start menu with openshell etc. It's just a too big of a hassle for most people and only reason i bothered with 11 is drivers.

Comment Re: Lol. (Score 1) 102

They would still need to read it.

Will they? Probably not and if they do it they use the ai as the basis, biasing the grading.

Besides than that the students themselves will run it through the same thing either getting the same access to the model or by giving a fiver to the ta.

Now if the essays don't matter because they're just literal filler on a bs subjective subject and this is okay then its a separate problem. In all cases if the higher education is based on this and costs tens of thousands a year its a scam. Like think about it, there should easily be enough ta's to read them all at those rates. There should easily be 1 staffer per ten students.

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