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Comment Re:No surprise (Score 1) 367

Most likely what you saw was the mobilesafari site. I have no good reason why it would appear to you in your normal browser except if it was a bug which occurred once while they introduced the new iphone version of their site. I recommend you try setting your browser string to

Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU like Mac OS X; en) AppleWebKit/420+ (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/3.0 Mobile/1A543a Safari/419.3

to get the results you described.

Comment Re:Yes, go for it. (Score 1) 918

I'm not the parent poster, but I agree with him.

I'm no precious snowflake. But I am better than a lot of other programmers, which is why they have been fired and I haven't. None of us are irreplaceable, but some of us are worth our money (and a whole lot more) and won't be fired. I make sure to treat my employer as a customer and supply him with high value products for the money he pays me every month.

I notice the world around me, and I feel for you that you are so desperate for a job - any job.

Comment Re:Yes, go for it. (Score 1) 918

To paraphrase what someone once told me, in four years (more or less), you're going to be 35 anyway. There's not a damn thing you can do about that, except die. if you don't go to school and get your bachelor's degree, then will it be any easier for you if you're an "old man" without a CS degree?

On the other hand: If you can get a job now, then in four years you'll have four years of actual work experience which is worth far more than four years of schooling.

I have had my share of fresh out of school co-workers, and wouldn't recommend anyone with less than 5 years of work experience to my employer ever. I say go and get the work experience if you can. It'll be worth far more in four years. And with four years of work experience no one will care about a diploma which is outdated the year after you get it anyway.

Comment Re:Usenet post? (Score 1) 261

However Linux has a more sane Version Number system

... or at least it did until they started to add new features for every increment of 2.6.x. In the old days of MAJOR.MINOR.BUGFIX you would increment MINOR when adding new features and increment MAJOR when abandoning compatibility with old versions.

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