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User Journal

Journal Journal: As they grow... 3

So, when I got married I decided I would tell my kids the truth about Santa. He was a good person who lived a thousand years ago and is dead. Now we like him so much we all act like him.

But as they've grown they seem to have convinced me he does exist. I don't correct them when they make assumptions based on their belief, I find myself going along with it rather then tell the truth.

What a softie.

User Journal

Journal Journal: This is what you need now... 3

Back when my wife and I were first married, we enjoyed music made from sampled sections of other music. Two of our favorite artists at that time were Thievery Corporation and Avalanche. For old time's sake we looked up one of our favorite songs in YouTube just to listen to it again.


Music Industry Attacks Free Prince CD 667

Mike writes "You might not like Prince, but he's planning on giving away a free CD in a national British newspaper. Harmless publicity, right? The music industry disagrees. Executives are practically going insane over the idea and are threatening to 'retaliate'. 'The Artist Formerly Known as Prince should know that with behavior like this he will soon be the Artist Formerly Available in Record Stores. And I say that to all the other artists who may be tempted to dally with the Mail on Sunday,' said Entertainment Retailers Association spokesman Paul Quirk, who also said it would be 'an insult' to record stores. Shouldn't an artist be able to give away his own music if he wants to without fear of industry retaliation?"

Troubling Times for Chinese DVD Standard 22

Turtlewind writes "China's second largest home electronics retailer Suning announced today that it will stop selling new EVD products. This blow for China's home-grown video disc standard comes just days after some of China's largest DVD player manufacturers flatly denied claims by EVD Industry Alliance secretary general Zhang Baoquan that all the alliance's members would stop producing DVD equipment by 2008. The EVD standard — which was discussed on Slashdot back in 2003 — uses different encoding technology to avoid the license fees on DVD equipment. Unfortunately for EVD's backers, which included the Chinese government, the new standard failed to take off in the face of China's large existing DVD market."

Submission + - TSA Now Investigating Boarding Pass Hacker

An anonymous reader writes: A week after the Justice Department cleared him of any wrongdoing, Chris Soghoian, the Indiana University PhD student who created an online boarding pass generator for Northwest Airlines to highlight security holes in the government's "no-fly" list, the Transportation Security Administration has now launched its own investigation, says Wired blog 27strokeB. The TSA says Soghoian "attempted to circumvent an established civil aviation security program established in the Transportation Security Regulations," violations of which carry fines of up to $11,000 per violation. That could be a steep fine, says's Security Fix blog: "Something like 35,000 people viewed and possibly used the boarding pass generator during the less than 72 hours that it was live on his site in November. Soghoian told WaPo: "If they decide that the only safe way for me to leave the country is by boat, then that's pretty much the end of my career here in the States. It's one thing to harass researchers, but if they can chase them out of the country, then that's a real chilling effect.
Internet Explorer

Submission + - Browser War: Firefox vs. IE vs. Opera vs. Safari

jcatcw writes: Four Computerworld editors weigh in with their browser picks.

Scot Finnie says Firefox has the compatibility, customizability and convenience Internet users want. Preston Gralla takes the majority-wins approach and gets on the bandwagon with IE. Gralla's "rounding error" is Dennis Fowler's first love. Those features the others like? They're old news to Opera users. Ken I-love-everything-about-my-mac Mingis thinks quality of operation matters more than quantity of users, so he's sticking with Safari.

See the side-by-side feature comparison. Take the poll.

Submission + - NASA Finds Evidence of Water on Mars

SonicSpike writes: "According to Reuters: "Images taken by NASA's Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft suggest the presence of liquid water on the Martian surface, a tantalizing find for scientists"..."The orbiting U.S. spacecraft allowed scientists to detect changes in the walls of two Martian craters that may have been caused by the recent flow of water, a team of researchers said in a paper appearing on Wednesday in the journal Science."

article: e=scienceNews&storyID=2006-12-06T180759Z_01_N06416 252_RTRUKOC_0_US-MARS.xml&WTmodLoc=NewsHome-C3-sci enceNews-2

Pictures: html"

Submission + - UNIX tips for new users: Filters and Expressions

BlueVoodoo writes: "Discover the power of UNIX filters. In this tutorial, you'll learn about the grep family in depth, including the syntax of regular expressions in many UNIX utilities. You'll also find out more about the stream editor, sed, as well as examine the awk pattern scanning language through examples and explanations.

Other Popular AIX/UNIX Articles "

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The aim of science is to seek the simplest explanations of complex facts. Seek simplicity and distrust it. -- Whitehead.
