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Comment I got lucky, but it's a disaster! (Score 2) 36

This problem affected my company, fortunately, I don't have too many staff (about 20). Apparently somehow defender is detecting both Start Menu links and Quick Links as a virus and disabling or deleting them. The quick fix to stop it from spreading is to shutdown the "Block Win32 API calls from office maco" features in endpoint protection. It doesn't fix any links that it screwed up thou. Considering most staff don't know how to go directly to executable to launch it, I feel bad for anyone who's in the thousands of staff. It knocked out Chrome, Edge, Outlook and the entire Office Suite... Well good luck to anyone dealing with this!

Comment FaceID isn't always needed (Score 1) 215

FaceID uses a depth detection system to essentially roughly get a 3d shape of your face along with the picture. A vast vast majority of consumers mostly use it because they can't be inconvenienced to use a 6 digit passcode to access their phone. While the right to repair is an issue, at the end of the day that's like complaining about the loss of a cup holder in your car. Overall it doesn't stop the use of the phone considering most older phones don't have FaceID.

Comment Chip manufacturing is not green (Score 1) 59

When you really think about it you're trying to make something so pure (a microscopic silicon circuit) that even a few atoms out of place will break it. Anything in our Universe where you're trying to make something super pure is going to result in massive amounts of energy and resources burned. Chip making was never considered "clean" by any means.

Comment Linux isn't easy to master (Score 1) 51

I suspect the real problem is that Linux isn't something that's easy to master if you don't have at least a bit of love for it. A lot of younger techs are use to using GUIs and working with relatively easy to install systems whereas setting up something like VMs with GPU Passthrough working correctly will take weeks to figure out. Senior Linux techs have had the experience and time to work on these systems with knowledge that often takes more than a quick google to find.

Comment Disks are generally better for most (Score 1) 165

Tape hardware is generally very expensive from the tape to even the drive itself. I find hard drives as the cheaper and faster backup medium for the most part. Tape is more durable if you plan on keeping your backup for years and you're not as careful with it as you should be. (ie. You tend to drop things.) I know a lot of organizations stubbornly keep to their existing backup methods because a lot of places don't like change but really one should always be willing to try new things especially if they work out better.

Comment StarLink is better for one important reason (Score 1) 184

The only reason StarLink has a major advantage over all other providers is that SpaceX is able to launch their own satellites for cheap. Much cheaper than any other traditional launcher. This allows them to launch many more satellites which is what you need for a high speed Internet satellite service. If I was ViaSat, I'd be looking to exit the market because they simply lack the technology to beat StarLink. As a consumer, we want cheaper / better services not slower and more expensive.

Comment Real Incognito Mode (Score 1) 90

Seriously toss your computer and phone into a lake and run into the woods with no electronics, there that's actual Incognito. The reality is if you're online, you're going to leave a profile behind because sooner or later the servers that you reach out to need to know who and where you are to reach back. *sigh* All incognito does is leave less data on your computer and try to remove any identifying markers in the browser itself. It can't magically hide your connection. This lawsuit is frankly stupid.

Comment Bad Idea, this will break search (Score 1) 30

So they want Google to publish their algorithm so less honourable companies can exploit it? Is this really even a good idea? I don't think many folks remember the early days of search when Altavista couldn't find anything but porn. Google was one of the few companies that could actually search what was asked of it.

Comment Google's good at what they do, don't ruin it (Score 1) 15

The thing is Google search works quite well for me for the most part. Government stepping in might mess it up more than even competitors which is the main thing I'm worried about. Think about Youtube before they got hammered in DMCA lawsuits and how now it's turned into a takedown nightmare for some.

Comment Good for Mac users, useless for LInux / Windows (Score 0) 274

The problem with this new platform is that it's way to specialized for low power / light consumer user. If you're a Linux user, you'll probably run into problems getting Linux to even install. Also with all the limited IO, if you say wanted to build a 30TB NAS running ZFS, that's going to be a problem. This is probably good for Mac users who were suffering from lacklustre hardware to begin with. As far as PC Users and Linux Users, you won't see any of us touching a Mac anymore with a 10 foot pole.

Comment I trust Waymo more than their competitors (Score 1) 57

The two major competitors to Waymo (Tesla and Uber) have literally had people die on their "test" platforms. So from purely a numbers perspective, they're doing well. Also unlike Tesla, Waymo works on residential roads and parking, something that you're not suppose to use Tesla's system on.

Comment Sadly cancelled the Volt (Score 4, Insightful) 67

I own one of the last 2019 Chevy Volts and am still a bit miffed that GM cancelled it. It's a really great car. I owned the previous model, a 2013 and got many many years of reliable use. It was my mostly EV car except when I needed to go long distances.

Comment Tritium cannot be removed (Score 4, Informative) 96

Tritium is better known as radioactive hydrogen. It's often used as a radioactive source to power glow sticks and in some watch hands. A water molecule is made up of 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom so it's understandable that there's nothing that can be done to remove it easily if some of the hydrogen atoms are radioactive. Tritium has a half-life of about 12 years. Unfortunately with that much water (and it keeps building up), I don't see any other practical way to deal with this. Even evaporating the water will carry Tritium into the air.

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