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Comment Pepperridge farms remembers (Score 0) 122

Anyone else remember when Apple claimed (to the govt (FCC?)) that jailbreaking the iphone was going to lead to terrorists taking down the cell network?

The mobile space is a damned mess for users, and that's by design. (nearly) Any other computer that would be otherwise considered multi purpose, allows the owner to separate management functions from daily functions (i.e. admin/root vs unelevated). This phantom menace created in the mobile space is one wholly of teh design of the mobile OS vendors.

Comment Nothing new here (Score 1) 53

Paypal has long been fighting (and winning) that it it not covered under bank regulations.

"PayPal does not physically handle or hold funds placed into the PayPal service," the FDIC said in its letter.

This is from 2002, now nearly 20 years ago. This distinction has become more and more meaningless as the years go on. Its high time that paypal fall in line with banking regs.

Submission + - Fry's Electronics suddenly closes (

MrLint writes: From their site "After nearly 36 years in business as the one-stop-shop and online resource for high-tech professionals across nine states and 31 stores, Fry's Electronics, Inc. ("Fry's" or "Company"), has made the difficult decision to shut down its operations and close its business permanently as a result of changes in the retail industry and the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic. The Company will implement the shut down through an orderly wind down process that it believes will be in the best interests of the Company, its creditors, and other stakeholders. "

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