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Comment Re:How do we know this? (Score 3, Interesting) 42

EY has the addresses (public keys) of all the wallets which were used by QuadrigaCX/Cotten. They were being monitored for activity. EY didn’t have the private key for the wallets in question, but the public keys are enough to know how much Bitcoin they contain. Only someone with the private keys could move Bitcoin from the wallets. So the mystery is: who knows the private keys? Is it Cotten himself? Did he suddenly get a 5G signal while buried 6ft underground? Or is he still alive? Or is it a former employee or business partner? Or his widow? The fact that 70 coins went to an obfuscation service means someone knows what they are doing.

Comment Re:Is the value real? Is the currency fungible? (Score 1) 73

Just look for a recent video on the subject of Bitcoin from Peter Schiff and you will find your answer. The only thing you could possibly buy in large quantities directly with Bitcoin are drugs or other crypto and if everyone tried so sell/exchange their Bitcoin for cash to buy a house, car or yacht it would tank the price of Bitcoin.

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