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Comment Re:One can only wonder (Score 2) 155

Couldn't be all the fucking hoops you have to jump through to just install an OS without having to sign up for a goddamn Microsoft account.

The Microsoft account is the entire point, which is also where TPM 2.0 comes in. Locking internet services behind Microsoft authentication schemes was always the plan, dating all the way back to the original .Net vision with Passport.Net (what was that, 2001ish?).

Comment Re:Found this quote just the other day (Score 1) 287

I like the part where they think forcing the rich to liquidate their paper holdings to pay a wealth tax is suddenly going to lead to actual wealth for anybody. Nothing new is created in the process except for government issued paper and we've all certainly felt the effects of that in the last few years. F*cking market cap, how does it work?

Comment Re:TFA Takeaway (Score 3, Interesting) 50

If they switch platforms (which would mean no real way to side-load androids apps on Amazon gizmos) I'll ditch Amazon stuff in favor of generic Android devices.

Literally the only reason I ended up settling on Amazon devices is the ability to side-load Android apps. The ability to run Kodi and RetroArch on my FireTV is a huge value-add, otherwise I can't think of any reason to allow Amazon into my home.

Comment Re:Making coal more efficient (Score 2) 227

It's always two options in this debate: either you're a luddite, and demand ICE, and never want electric. Or you're a modern fellow who only wants electric and demands all ICE be done away with immediately. There's never any middle ground mentioned

Of course there is: plugin electric hybrids. And if the EV-only people were remotely reasonable, they'd be doing everything in their power to get people into them NOW while the charging infrastructure is built up and the poor performance of Lithium batteries in cold environments is properly addressed. Additionally, that "waste" heat generated by ICE engines is a huge asset in most of the world and heat generation from batteries is hugely inefficient. Not everyone lives in a Mediterranean, Californian coastal environmental.

Comment Re: Oh good elon musks has an opinion (Score 1) 341

like the con-man he's always been.

Fair enough but would you care to elaborate on which of his stated positions (or actions, for that matter) actually deviate further to the right of early-to-mid 90s Democrats? Enlighten me in my gross naivete.

Also, where does supporting NAFTA/essentially unrestricted free trade fall on the left-right spectrum?

Comment Re:In Good Company (Score 1) 126

Ok, I'll be sure to let the boys know at the next rally. They're going to be pretty surprised about my sudden lack of sincerity though.

I personally have an "exit only" policy for my anus. I imagine some day I'll have to relax that a bit for cancer-screening colonoscopies but for the time-being, I'm good.

Did you know the 1995 Ig Nobel Prize in literature was awarded to David B. Busch and James R. Starling for their 1986 research report, "Rectal foreign bodies: Case Reports and a Comprehensive Review of the World’s Literature"? You can read the abstract here. Be careful out there!

Comment Re:In Good Company (Score 2) 126

Your move.

My move? My move is that the enormous tech companies that are acting as the public square actually act in the interest of the public. That's what I want. That's it. I don't want them censoring anybody. Baring that, if they can't do it because their values are not consistent with those of the America, they can have all of their public funding cut off. They might hate American values but they certainly love American tax dollars. And no, to be clear, I don't actually want the government to do that either.

Go ahead, admit it, you love censorship in the world... just so long as you're the one doing the censoring. You don't actually care about virtue, only beating "the other side." If you did, you too would be calling on these companies to act in the interest of everyone. But you don't. Are your ideals so weak that they can't stand up to criticism?

Comment Re:In Good Company (Score 2) 126

Before 2014 or so, I generally believed the average American and, by extension, the average American corporation, was essentially on board with the basic tenants of the Marketplace of Ideas. And, who knows, maybe they actually were and it all changed. The left used to carry "Free Speech" signs after all.

I would have never guessed I could be so wrong. Even in this very thread, we see someone calling for the IRS to destroy Rumble. Given the Obama administration IRS scandal, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised if they did. It's a sad world we live in.

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