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Submission Summary: 0 pending, 23 declined, 8 accepted (31 total, 25.81% accepted)


Submission + - Copenhagen Suborbitals Launches Soon! (

QuantumG writes: "In just a few weeks Copenhagen Suborbitals will be making their second attempt to put a large hybrid rocket up into the stratosphere. Last year's attempt was very exciting and would have been a success if they hadn't drained the batteries in the submarine. Yeah, that's right, submarine.. they built one of them too! But they need your support. Please donate to the campaign and wish these crazy danes the best of luck!"

Submission + - Pioneer One Debuts (

QuantumG writes: "The first episode of the new science fiction drama Pioneer One has debuted and it looks like a hit. The pilot was shot for just $6000, raised through the micro-funding platform Kickstarter and the production is being supported through donations on the show's website. Donations can be made on a sliding scale with "bonus" rewards for each level such as an mp3 of the opening theme and deleted scenes. The distribution is through filesharing systems such as Bittorrent and Limewire. Is this the future of television?"

Submission + - STS-127 To Launch SpaceX's DragonEye Sensor (

QuantumG writes: "Shuttle Flight STS-127 Detailed Test Objective 701B will test SpaceX's DragonEye sensor, it will use a flash of Light Intensification Detection and Ranging (LIDAR), to provide a three-dimensional image of the station based on the time of flight of a single laser pulse from the sensor to the target and back. It provides both range and bearing information from targets that can reflect the light back such as the Pressurized Mating Adapter 2 and those on the nadir side of station's Japanese Experiment Module. No-one seems to be reporting this, so I am!"

Submission + - SpaceX's DragonEye to Fly on STS-127 (

QuantumG writes: "Shuttle Flight STS-127 Detailed Test Objective 701B will test the sensor SpaceX's Dragon vehicle will use to approach the International Space Station. Called DragonEye, it will use a flash Light Intensification Detection and Ranging (LIDAR), which provides a three-dimensional image based on the time of flight of a single laser pulse from the sensor to the target and back. It provides both range and bearing information from targets that can reflect the light back such as the Pressurized Mating Adapter 2 and those on the nadir side of station's Japanese Experiment Module. SpaceX also will perform a ground-based space qualification program to ensure the sensor can withstand the rigors of launch and operation in a space environment, including tests such as vibration and thermal-vac. No-one seems to be reporting this, so I am!"

Submission + - Gates Foundation Funds "Altruistic Vaccine" (

QuantumG writes: "The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has awarded a $100,000 grant to the University of Queensland, Australia to develop a vaccine against dengue fever, a disease spread by mosquitoes. Unlike other vaccines, the "altruistic vaccine" doesn't specifically protect the individual being bitten but instead protects the community by stopping the transmission of the pathogen from one susceptible individual to another. The hope is to do this by effectively making their blood poisonous to mosquitoes, either killing them or at least preventing them from feeding on other individuals. Professor Paul Young explained how his work fell outside current scientific traditions and might lead to significant advances in global health — he said he could envision the vaccine being used around the world within 10 years, and would be designed to be cheap and easy to implement."

Submission + - Gates Foundation Funds Aussie "Altruistic Vacc (

QuantumG writes: "The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has awarded a $100,000 grant to the University of Queensland, Australia to develop a vaccine against dengue fever, a disease spread by mosquitoes. Unlike other vaccines, the "altruistic vaccine" doesn't specifically protect the individual being bitten but instead protects the community by stopping the transmission of the pathogen from one susceptible individual to another. The hope is to do this by effectively making their blood poisonous to mosquitoes, either killing them or at least preventing them from feeding on other individuals. Professor Paul Young explained how his work fell outside current scientific traditions and might lead to significant advances in global health — he said he could envision the vaccine being used around the world within 10 years, and would be designed to be cheap and easy to implement."

Submission + - Greg Zsidisin: "Where Are The Space Advocates? (

QuantumG writes: "Greg Zsidisin appeared on The Space Show today to ask Where Are The Space Advocates?. For the first time in decades Space is once again a political issue with all four major presidential candidates having something to say about space policy and yet nothing is being heard from space advocates. As we enter a new "Space Nexus" like we did after Apollo, now is a critical time to let your representatives know how you feel about space exploration, and yet no-one has anything to say."
The Courts

Submission + - Hans Reiser Found Guilty Of First Degree Murder (

QuantumG writes: "Despite the lack of any hard evidence, eye witnesses or even a murder weapon or body, Hans Reiser (creator of the ReiserFS filesystem for Linux) has been found guilty of first degree murder. He awaits sentencing and faces a mandatory 25-to-life term. His wife, Nina Reiser, went missing on Sept. 3, 2006 and Hans is believed to be the last person to see her alive."

Submission + - Space Advocacy Groups Fail To Respond To Obama (

QuantumG writes: "Part two of Greg Zsidisin's story on Obama's plan to redirect NASA funding to preschool education is now available on The Space Review and explains why space advocacy groups are being so closed-lipped about it. Not surprisingly it's all about money and, in particular, tax-exempt status which carries with it prohibitions on the kinds and amount of political lobbying they can do, forbidding these groups from activities for or against a specific candidate for political office. Coming out with a statement specifically against Obama's proposal might result in their tax-exempt status being revoked."

Submission + - Obama would redirect NASA funding to education (

QuantumG writes: "In a recent article on The Space Review, Greg Zsidisin reveals that Barack Obama plans to delay Project Constellation for at least five years, using the redirected funds to nationalize early-education for children under five years old to prepare them for the rigors of kindergarten and beyond, if he is elected president. It is feared that if this happens the Vision for Space Exploration will flounder and that may be the end of human spaceflight altogether."
It's funny.  Laugh.

Submission + - Slashdot Article Is Self Referencing (

QuantumG writes: "An article on Slashdot has been submitted which refers to itself. Scientists suggest such self-referential technology may soon be available commercially. The article is otherwise devoid of content and the link it contains might not work. Will future dupes of this article reference itself or a previous article? Only time will tell."
The Courts

Submission + - Two new alleged license violations of BusyBox (

QuantumG writes: " is reporting The Software Freedom Law Center (SFLC) has filed another two cases on behalf of BusyBox developers Erik Andersen and Rob Landley against High Gain Antennas LLC, and Xterasys Corp. The cases follow a similar case against Monsoon Multimedia, which was recently settled out of court. The case against High Gain Antenna claims that, since August 4, 2006, the company has been distributing firmware for the HGA-8186HP-1 wireless router that contains BusyBox code, but has not included any offer of the source code to customers, as required under Section 3 of GPLv2. The case against Xterasys is similar, claiming Xterasys has failed to provide source code in the firmware for its BM-200, WAP257, XA-2611B, MH350, XR-2408GU, XR-3106, XR-4106, and WR-254 products."

Submission + - People Believe NASA Funded As Well As Defense (

QuantumG writes: "An essay on the Space Review is reporting that in a just-completed study, on average, respondents estimated NASA's allocation of the national budget to be approximately 24% (it's actually closer to 0.58%) and the Department of Defense budget to be approximately 33% (it's actually closer to 21%). In other words, respondents believed NASA's budget approaches that of the Department of Defense, which receives almost 38 times more money. Once informed of the actual allocations, they were almost uniformly surprised. One of the more vocal participants exclaimed, "No wonder we haven't gone anywhere!""

Submission + - Armadillo Aerospace Demonstrates LLC Stage 1 (

QuantumG writes: "John Carmack (of Doom fame) and his rocket company Armadillo Aerospace have demonstrated their entry into the X-Prize/NASA Lunar Lander Challenge, first stage, at the Oklahoma Spaceport. Representatives from AST and the X-Prize Cup were present. A 3 minute, 41 second video of the feat has been posted by Carmack to the company's web site in a recent update, where he complains that were the competition not tied to a promotional event later this year, his company could have already claimed the $500,000 prize. The challenge venue will be hosted at this year's X-Prize Cup on October 26-28, 2007, at Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico."

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One of the chief duties of the mathematician in acting as an advisor... is to discourage... from expecting too much from mathematics. -- N. Wiener
