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Comment Re:The theories defined (Score 1) 600

The universe is so complex, there must be a supreme being guiding its creation

I highly doubt this as a conclusion.

History is full of things that could not be understood and therefore must be "the work of a supreme being" that have later been worked out and understood (fire for example). My preference is that there are just some things we don't understand yet.

Comment I Volunteer. (Score 3, Insightful) 402

I have a chronic disease that can be controlled through medication that already limits my lifespan.

Because of this I deliberately have no children or spouse and I avoid developing long term relationships.

My Parents are old and are unlikely to outlive me anyway.

I am aware of the implications of a one way trip to Mars and realise I wont be coming back and wont have any new companions for at least 10 years... if ever.

Send me.

Comment Re: Easy (Score 1) 134

That's exactly what a Ponzi scheme is. Fraud, claiming that you are making money when you aren't, and paying out people from the money contributed by new investors.

As I have mentioned elsewhere.

You should also probably look up Ponzi's as well, it is not some generic term you can trough at any sort of fraud. It is a specific type of fraud that does not apply here (MtGOX never returned a percentage per day/week/month/year as interest).

Comment Re:Can it be invalidated? (Score 5, Informative) 177

Sort of...

If 51% of miners got together they could in theory stop the FBI from using that wallet (it is actually an address, not a wallet but that is another story).

They would have to continue to do so though, and once they stop the FBI could then use the funds. One of the tennents of bitcoin is that it is very hard (if not near imposable) to confiscate/block/invalidate etc someone else's funds.

Submission + - Last Forking Warning for Bitcoin (

ASDFnz writes: It has been just over two months since the bitcoin block chain was rocked by a near disastrous fork causing the bitcoin price to crash.

The culprit of the crash was found to be a bug that prevented pre version 7.1 bitcoin clients accepting large blocks that could be generated by version 8 clients. A temporary fix was put into place by Bitcoin Project lead developer Gavin Andresen that forced version 8 clients to generate blocks that version 7.1 could understand.


Submission + - Bitcoin ASIC race vendor status update (

ASDFnz writes: "It has been an eventful few days in the bitcoin ASIC race and to be honest it would not surprise anyone if you where wondering where, when and even if bitcoin ASIC mining devices will start to make a dent on the bitcoin difficulty.

In order to attempt to clarify things, and to put the information all in one place with relevant links I have put together a few paragraphs detailing the progress of each of the four ASIC vendors so you can decide for yourself what might be happening.

ASICMiner(Bitfountain): After receiving their first batch of ASIC’s back on the 28th of December friedcat has been giving steady weekly updates in their official thread over at BitcoinTalk and they are progressing towards making their ASIC’s operational. In the latest update friedcat is still concerned that Chinese New Year (10th February) may interfere with their plans, but he remains hopeful.

The process of recovering and re-organising their shareholder registry after the collapse of GLBSE also appears to be progressing with many users reporting that they have received confirmation of their shares.

Avalon ASIC: BitSyncom recently upgraded their speed estimate for Avalons ASIC devices from 60 GH/s to 66 GH/s bringing their cost per GH/s down to $19.68 and as their countdown shows, they are still expecting to ship next week with their first batch of 300 units.

That is a total of 19,800 GH/s (close to 20 TH/s) to added to the bitcoin network and that has the potential to double the network hash rate to 40 TH/s brining the network difficulty to 6 million within the next month, possably before anyone else even ships.

BTCFPGA: After requesting that everyone puts in refund requests (or does a credit card charge back) buzzdave over at the BTCFPGA official forums still seems to think that some deal may be reached to bring bASIC devices to a desktop near you sometime in March.

While March is still a long way off the way that delivery dates have been constantly pushed back by most vendors in the race for bitcion ASIC devices miracles do happen and they still may be the first to market (I do doubt this very much though, it seems that it will be a miracle if they ship at all).

Butterfly Labs: BFL_Josh has published a comprehensive plan that ends in the week of February the 10th with the start of their 1/3 shipping plan where one third of available stock will be shipped to new orders (first order number in, first ASIC out), the second third will be shipped to people who have upgraded their existing Butterfly Labs FPGA units (and sent them back in the week of Febuary the 3rd) and the final third will be randomly picked from both upgrades and pre-orders.

Butterfly Labs does not have the best reputation when it comes to meeting shipping dates though, the original date was closer to the middle of last year than February this year."


Submission + - Bitcoin 3 years on, what Satoshi didn't know (

ASDFnz writes: "3 years ago today (or 6:15 pm on the 3rd of January, 2009 UTC/GMT) Satoshi Nakamoto’s computer generated the fist ever bitcoin block. Weighing in at just under .3 of a Kilobyte it is a testament to the old adage ”good things come in small packages”.

While the future of bitcoin and crypto currencies in general is still far from certain, can you imagine what Satoshi was thinking when he got the notification that the first block was found? It seems unlikely we will ever know (After all, Satoshi Nakamoto is a pseudonym) but we can say for certain, he did not know this;-

  Bitcoins Lost 35,608.36304319
  Bitcoins Stolen 261,666.05847975
  Bitcoins Scammed 535,350.05786728

I have been conservative with my figures, but that is a total of 832,624.47939022 or 7.8% of of the current bitcoins in circulation that have been scammed, stolen or destroyed. If you consider that there will only ever be 21,000,000 bitcoins (unless the blockchain is altered) that works out to be 3.964% of bitcoins ever to be created."


Submission + - ASICMiner the dark horse in the bitcoin ASIC race may have just come in first (

ASDFnz writes: "In a shock move it seems that ASICMiner ( have announced ( ) that they have received their chips and may be the first to mine bitcoins with the new ASIC technology in a move shutting out independent miners while the other ASIC Chip providores Butterfly Labs ( ) , Avalon ASIC ( ) and BTCFPGA ( ) struggle to play catch up.

It seems that ASIC mining if finally here."


Submission + - New Bitcoin ODP Editor in town (

ASDFnz writes: "he ODP (Open Directory Project) or is one of the true grandfathers of the Internet. Started in 1998 it had a simple but very ambitious goal, to organise and categorise the Internet.

Fast forward 14 years to today the ODP contains just under 5 million unique websites and is still growing but there is, and always has been an issue with the ODP and it also happens to be its greatest advantage. Every single listing is reviewed and maintained by a small crew of volunteer editors, and compared to the amount of listings the number of editors are truly microscopic.

This can lead to delays of months (or even years in some cases) to get your site listed or updated as an editor finds the time to review your site manually and ensure that it fits into a strict set of rules and guides. Once you were listed though you could expect higher priorities from search engines and more hits.

Well, things are about to change in the bitcoin category. After going through the application process quite some time ago I yesterday received a notification that I had become an ODP editor for the bitcoin category (on christmas day no less). Suffice to say, I am stoked and I promice to get submissions dealt with in a quick and timely manor (and be fair and impartial as I can)."

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