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Comment only a matter of time (Score 4, Insightful) 34

The number of people running Windows containers in production has to be tiny. I don't know anyone doing that. It's all Linux containers as far as the eye can see.

Why would you even run a Windows container? The only thing your are going to put into a container anyway is dotnet apps and Linux is already doing that.

Comment This makes for excelent training data (Score 1) 59

The results of AI systems is dependent on the quality of the training data. When we find it misbehaving, we are just discovering new training data to make it better for next time.

One of my favorite go to comments is that one day we will have amazing self driving cars, they just need to make a billion mistakes first.

Comment Re:I remain skeptical (Score 1) 64

There is also the issue of once you see it, you can't unsee it.

How many of us were fine with normal TV until they saw HDTV. Or were fine with 96 bit mp3 files until someone pointed out where they sound hollow. CRT displays running at the 60mhz default because they had the wrong driver, until you could see the flicker. Or movies you first saw years ago but look awful rewatching them today.

I think once you learn how to spot CGI effects or get use to better CGI effects, then you are more susceptible to seeing the lower quality effects.

Comment Re:I've been in your position (Score 2) 246

In IT we have access to everything and that means that our trust and integrity means everything. We will see things that are very personal, we will know things that are very sensitive, and people will trust us.

If they question our integrity, our trust worthiness, or even our respect for authority then we lose our value to the organization. Once they start to question that, then you won't be able to get it back.

But if you maintain high standards in IT and gain absolute trust from your coworkers and administration, then you can do some amazing things.

Comment Re:Let's face it ... (Score 1) 33

Your missing the point. If you have administrator rights, why even bother disabling EMET. Just uninstall it. Here is a quick exploit code for that:

Get-WmiObject Win32_Product | Where-Object{$_.Name -match "EMET"} | ForEach-Object{$_.Uninstall()}

If the attacker has admin rights then game over. Any other exploit after that is just smoke and mirrors.

Comment Re:Cool (Score 1) 564

I know you are joking, but it would not be a bad idea.

Lets say you add application virtualization, redirect files to the network, and roam user settings. It would be possible to reimage at will. Change our first question from "did you turn it off and back on again?" to "Did you redeploy the operating system yet?". If only it was that easy.


How Much of ISON Survived Its Closest Approach To the Sun? 84

A reader writes "This Ars Technica article examines what may be left of ISON and contains a detailed animated GIF from the NASA STEREO Ahead spacecraft. 'It looks like comet ISON, or most of it, did not survive its encounter with the Sun yesterday, when it made a close approach at just 1.2 million kms from that fiery surface. This distance may seem large, but it is close enough to have subjected the comet to temperatures of around 2,700C. To survive such a close shave with the Sun may sound unlikely, but a few other sungrazing comets have managed the feat during even closer passes. So some people hoped ISON would perform a death-defying stunt and emerge intact. ISON did not leave us without a final serving of mystery though. Soon after reaching its nearest point to the Sun (known as perihelion), there was no sign of it emerging afterwards. Twitter and news agencies were alight, lamenting its loss and assuming it disintegrated—RIP ISON. But then, moments later, new images emerged showing a hint of something appearing on the other side of the Sun. Was this still a diminished comet ISON or a ghostly version of its former self? Well, even comet experts are not sure.'"
United States

Dial 00000000 To Blow Up the World 306

Charliemopps writes "For 20 years the password for the U.S. nuclear arsenal was '00000000.' Kennedy instituted a security system on all nuclear warheads to prevent them from being armed by someone unauthorized. It was called PAL, and promised to secure the entire US arsenal around the world. Unfortunately for Kennedy (and I guess, the whole world) U.S. military leadership was more concerned about delaying a launch than securing Armageddon. They technically obeyed the order but then set the password to 8 Zeros, or '00000000'."

Comment The modem (Score 1) 319

If I had to guess, the modem is holding onto the same IP address regardless of what you do with your router. Take a weekend trip and unplug your modem in hopes that it will pull a new address when you return. You could go upstream to your ISP with the issue and suggest the tech release your IP and assign you a new one.

If the attack continues, then you have something inside your network leaking information to the attacker. And you will have to clean that up before you can resolve the problem.

Comment Input validation (Score 5, Insightful) 598

I think he was missing input validation from his list. The idea that you can never trust user input and you must validate it. The idea that you should white list what you want instead of black list the things you don't want. Ideas that consider the security of the system and not just the working condition of it.

Comment Less adds but feels like more? (Score 1) 1191

The ads stand out way too much on the beta site. I tried it out and my first impression was that it was a site that I would not trust for the news. I thought it was all the ads on the site.

BUT then I went back to the main site and discovered that it was showing me more ads than the beta site. The main top ad was smaller on the beta site. I am not sure what to think. I don't like it because it feels like it is a ad driven site. Before it felt like it was about the content (it just so happened to have ads). Leaves a different impression.

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